Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Aerobatic Highs


Last updated 10/15/2016 at 3:56pm

Yolandi Jooste

Busy skies above Borrego today as the first competition gets under way.

If you haven't had a chance to look, watch the short clip to see what you're missing.

VIDEO ERROR: Use youtube or vimeo (<blockquote·class="twitter-video"·data-lang="en-gb"><p·lang="en"·dir="ltr">BORREGO:·Endo·Hiroyasu·from·Japan·finishing·up·his·4·min·free·aerobatic·competition·flight.·<a·href=""></a></p>&mdash;·Borrego·Sun·(@BorregoSunNews)·<a·href="">15·October·2016</a></blockquote>[LF]

Yolandi Jooste

Endo Hiroyasu from Japan finishing up his 4 min free aerobatic competition flight.