Borrego Round Up
Last updated 9/29/2016 at 12:10pm
If you're heading in to town tonight, Blaze are playing in Carlee's from 8.00p.m. Jimi "Blaze" brings a bluesy style to some rock currents and classics so it's sure to be a packed night.
Kids games are going on at the school pool until 7.00p.m today.
If you're an aspiring writer or enjoy putting your thoughts down on paper then head to the library every Tuesday 10.00a.m - 1.00p.m.
The temperatures currently sitting at 94F with a fire warning in place due to strong winds. Temperatures are due to rise tomorrow before taking a slight dip on Tuesday. The rest of the week should see the mercury staying in the early 90's.
With the Super FAM heading to town Oct 5, Patrick Sampson made a quick visit to England to meet some of the representatives before the contingency of approximately 50 travel agents arrives in Borrego.
The plans for Borrego Days continue, as more acts and clubs sign up for the parade. Volunteers are still needed to help out on the day.