Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Salton Sea - Conservation Grants


Last updated 9/18/2016 at 11:50am

Federal conservation grants rants of $2 million each are going toward conservation efforts near the Salton Sea, in Colton and in the rapidly developing west side of Riverside County.

“This shows continued federal commitment to our conservation plan,” said Charlie Landry, executive director of the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority.

Landry said the grant for western Riverside County will buy several parcels totaling about 1,025 acres along the I-15 and I-215 corridors. The purchases will preserve land that’s home to the coastal California gnatcatcher (a song bird); the arroyo southwestern toad; and the Quino checkerspot butterfly, species that are listed as threatened or endangered with extinction.

Another $2 million will go toward the purchase of 16 acres in Colton that are inhabited by the endangered Delhi Sands flower-loving fly, a chubby-looking winged insect that prefers sand dunes in that area that are being lost to development.

And in eastern Riverside County, the final $2 million will preserve 305 acres between the community of Mecca and the north shore of the Salton Sea that is important habitat for waterfowl and migratory birds.

That land includes breeding grounds for the endangered least Bell’s vireo, a small songbird with gray feathers. Birds there include the Crissal thrasher, southwestern willow flycatcher, summer tanager, yellow-breasted chat and yellow warbler.

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