Harvest Moon - Tonight
Last updated 9/20/2016 at 10:46am
Every full moon rises around the time of sunset, and on average each successive moonrise comes about 50 minutes later daily. But, on September and October evenings – because of the narrow angle of the ecliptic to the horizon – the moon rises much sooner than the average. The Harvest moon brings about the changes needed to welcome in the onset of winter. Instead of rising 50 minutes later in the days after full moon, the waning moon might rise only 35 minutes later.
That fact was important to people in earlier times. For farmers bringing in the harvest, before the days of tractor lights, it meant there was no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise for several days after full moon. And that meant farmers could work on in the fields, bringing in the crops by moonlight. Hence the name Harvest Moon.