Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Big Horn Sheep at Palm Canyon


Last updated 9/16/2016 at 3:30pm

Suzanne Howarth

A hike at lunchtime in the desert heat is never a good idea, but our lack of get up and go this morning was rewarded by the sight of a small group of male Big Horn Sheep.

Making the most of the shade in the car park of Palm Canyon, they were happy to pose for photos before moving off up the trail. A group of females were grazing close by. The lack of water higher up the mountains has drawn the sheep to lower ground.

VIDEO ERROR: Use youtube or vimeo (<blockquote·class="twitter-video"·data-lang="en-gb"><p·lang="en"·dir="ltr">BORREGO:·Big·Horn·Sheep·on·the·Palm·Canyon·Trail.·What·a·beautiful·site.·<a·href=""></a></p>&mdash;·Borrego·Sun·(@BorregoSunNews)·<a·href="">11·September·2016</a></blockquote>[LF]

Yolandi Jooste

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