Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Salton Sea Under Discussion in Sacramento


Last updated 8/10/2016 at 8:37am

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia chair of the Select Committee on Renewable Energy Development and Restoration of the Salton Sea will be convening a hearing at the state Capitol on the Salton Sea.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm in the California State Capitol in Room 127

Last year, Assemblymember Garcia authored AB 1095 which directed the Natural Resources Agency to promulgate a list of shovel-ready projects for the Sea – meaning projects that are in the final engineering and design phase. A report on the projects was released this year by the agency. The Governor also created a task force comprised of various state agencies to develop a management plan for the Sea. The upcoming hearing will take a closer look at the ongoing efforts to implement the AB 1095 projects, the allocation of the $80 million, and discuss the overall Salton Sea Management program to ensure progress continues at the sea.

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