Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Music on the Mountain - Fred Benedetti


Last updated 8/4/2016 at 8:55am

Musician Fred Benedetti

It's the first Tuesday of the month, and Henry and I are off to enjoy another concert. This evening is Fred Benedetti, Classical and Spanish guitarist. He was born in Sasebo Japan and started playing guitar at the age of nine. In 1986 he was one of twelve guitarists chosen worldwide to perform in the Master Class of Andres Segovia at USC.

Denny DuVall

He has also been a performer for the Master classes of Pepe Romero, Christopher Parkening, Federico Moreno-Torroba, George Sakellariou, and David Grimes.

Music started a six pm sharp to a full house of eager people. From his very first piece we all knew we were in for a great concert! He went from Classical to Spanish pieces with ease. Of all the pieces he played, my personal favorite was his last three selections, two from the Beatles : Penny Lane, In My Life, and Classical Gas by Mason Williams. These selections really brought home just how great an artist Fred Benedetti is.

Even with his concert going over his allotted time he left all of us wanting more. Next time we will hide the clock so we can keep him longer! That's my story folks, and I'm stickin' to it!

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