Music Exploration Workshops
Last updated 8/8/2016 at 11:01am

To make a much appreciated donation to the Music Exploration Workshop - call 760-767-5761 Tuesday through Saturday - Director Michael Voss, Borrego Springs Public Library
One of the great new programs offered by our local library is the Music Exploration Workshop held on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for our youths as well as anyone who wishes to expand their musical knowledge and to start or to add to their overall musical experience.
The group is hosted by our library director Michael Voss and through his gracious efforts and lifelong interest in music, the weekly group has become a going thing and is already providing many fond memories and a chance to get involved that was not previously available at our library. The provocative sounds of electric guitar, bass and acoustic guitars now waft unobtrusively through the library and give notice that there are players here pursuing their craft. Don't be shy and don't be fooled. Everyone is welcome and just about anyone enjoys music on some level. Playing it is twice the fun! Yes, it makes a bunch of noise and yes, not everybody is a musical prodigy but if you don't try to work at it, you will never get good at it, just like everything in life.
Today's world is plagued by quick thrills and no effort conveniences and because of this, America is lagging behind many other countries in areas such as science and mathematics, which take a lot of hard work and effort. Sadly, here in Borrego and all over California nearly all of the school districts have virtually eliminated their music programs altogether. Music is the most wonderful joy we have and you need to know that to master an instrument involves an entire lifetime of study.
We are hoping that local awareness of this project will trigger an outpouring of local support in the form of donations to buy guitars, equipment and an electronic drum 'kit.' Tommy Dorsey or The Beatles wouldn't have gotten anywhere without their 'axes' and nobody will be 'rocking the house' without equipment and the 'chops' you develop by learning and practicing. Well, it can all start right here just as well as anywhere else.
San Diego County has spawned some of the greatest musicians in the world and there is talent here in Borrego Springs. With our usual good luck and the wind in our sails, our local Borrego Springs residents will generously donate funds which will enable the library to provide needed instruments to these deserving kids."
To make a much appreciated donation to the Music Exploration Workshop please call 760-767-5761 Tuesday through Saturday and contact Director Michael Voss at the Borrego Springs Public Library and Community Center. If we try and work together as a community we can bring music to the children again. Maybe the ghost of Elvis will drop by . . .