Julian StarFest - Tomorrow
Last updated 8/3/2016 at 9:13am
Julian StarFest begins tomorrow. The 3 day event offers opportunities to observe the stars, a bustling vendor exhibition area, opportunity drawing, astronomy swap meet, guest lecturers – all while sharing camaraderie with fellow astronomers and interested guests.
Julian stands at 4,300 feet in elevation providing superb astronomical viewing.
Thursdays event is held at the Menghini Winery.
Free Public Star Party Saturday Night, August 6.
Arrive in Julian between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and you can enter the StarFest grounds (1150 Julian Orchards Ln, Julian, CA 92036) for free.
Take a star tour of the heavens using the many telescopes set up in the viewing area. Experts will be on hand to answer questions about what your looking at and about the telescopes. Parking is available nearby and we suggest you bring a red light flashlight to guide yourself to the observing area. If you don't have a red light flashlight, red film will be provided to cover a white light flashlight. Please, no white lights in the observing area.