Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Springs goes International

International travel agents are inward bound.


Last updated 8/22/2016 at 9:21am

All roads in Borrego Springs lead to Christmas Circle, a natural choice to be the first experience a group of international travel agents will have of the town on their arrival in October.

Through collaborations and support from several Borrego businesses and organised by the Chamber of Commerce, a successful proposal was put together to win the opportunity to be the final destination on Visit California SuperFAM's tour. A tour which will see up to 100 travel agents and Trek America hosts, enjoy the 'Mariachis and Margaritas Welcome Event' , sponsored by the Borrego Sun.

A whirlwind tour of Borrego will follow as they are whisked off to enjoy the drive and views up Montezuma Road, a walk through the State Park’s Visitor Center Museum, a drive by Palm Canyon Hotel and RV Park as well as Palms at Indian Head, and a drive through De Anza Golf Club and Community to name just a few of the activities on offer.

Patrick Sampson and his team will be throwing open the doors of Casa Del Zorro Resort and Spa to host more events and opportunities to mingle and use facilities during the Oct 5-6 event.

Borrego Springs will have the opportunity to showcase what a unique experience the desert, with it's amazing nature and clear dark skies, has to offer to the adventurous traveler.

Interviews, pictures and whole lot more will be in the Borrego Sun, as Borrego Springs goes international.