Blue Cut Fire - Update
Last updated 8/20/2016 at 10:21am
Fire crews working on the Blue Cut Fire, have been able to increase containment to 26% on the blaze overnight, state officials.
Although a lot of progress was made Thursday with slowing the fire's spread, 34,500 structures are still threatened by the fire which has burned 37,000 acres-- more than 57 square miles-- and destroyed 96 homes, to date, since it first broke out around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to federal firefighting officials.
Forest Service officials say the fire is the most active in the Gobbler's Peak portion south of Wrightwood.
"Structures are known to have been damaged or destroyed but cannot currently be assessed due to the extreme fire behavior and growth," the U.S. Forest Service reports on InciWeb. "A Damage Assessment Team (DAT) has been ordered to assist."
Interstate 15 is open in both directions through the Cajon Pass, but officials are urging motorists to drive with caution through the area, as some equipment is still nearby.