Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Springs - Dust Devil


Last updated 7/7/2016 at 8:45am

Yolandi Jooste

The day started off as bright and sunny as all the others yesterday, then the storm clouds began to gather.

A dust devil made its way past the BAI in Borrego Springs, as a thunderstorm began to move in.

VIDEO ERROR: Use youtube or vimeo (<blockquote·class="twitter-video"·data-lang="en"><p·lang="en"·dir="ltr">Dust·devil·in·Borrego·Springs·next·2·BAI·a·few·moments·ago.·Thunderstorm·moving·in.·39%·chance·of·drizzle·till·10pm·<a·href=""></a></p>&mdash;·Borrego·Sun·(@BorregoSunNews)·<a·href="">July·1,·2016</a></blockquote>[LF]

Yolandi Jooste

Dust devil filmed in Borrego Springs

Rendered 03/04/2025 01:34