Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Rams - Gofundme


Last updated 7/14/2016 at 7:49am

A Gofundme page has been set up in support of Borrego Springs Rams.

The site has become a popular way to raise money for various causes in the area and this page was started by local resident Elizabeth Stephens, with the goal set at $10k.

At the time of writing there had yet to be any donations. Why not be the first to support your local team and go to every little helps.

Elizabeth Stephens has this to say about the team -

"We are a very small (district ada 440; high school 130) and rural district with few resources for our students. The nearest large city is a minimum of 1.5 hour drive.

In addition, 89% of our students are Low socio-economic and few have the financial resources nor reliable transportation to access services and programs in distant urban areas.

Unlike large school districts, our small school district does not have access to programs such as CTE courses, STEM focused courses, and just recently they discontinued the AVID program they had due to cost. Now our students do not have any programs that will allow them to have a link to higher education. We would like to plan a mini college tour in September of this year. Students would be able to do a 3day/2night road trip for a total of 6 universities. We would like to take students to visit CSU monterey Bay, Channel Islands, Long Beach to name a few. The funds would be used to pay for a chartered bus, meals, and hotel accommodations. There are approximately 30 seniors this academic school year (2016-2017). If we are able to exceed our goal~we would love to be able to take more students!

I believe all students need to be able to have the opportunities to have access and equity to higher education. Your generosity will benefit students who otherwise would not have an opportunity to travel and be exposed to colleges/universities. Again, we thank you so much for your tremendous financial contribution and more importantly our students will be forever grateful."