Salton Sea Authority, Ranks Top
Last updated 6/16/2016 at 5:23am
The Salton Sea Authority (SSA) has received the very best financial review an organization can receive, according to a recently completed independent audit of the organization.
Independent auditor Jennifer Farr reported audit results to the Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors finding that the SSA’s audit was exceptionally clean and operating at the highest professional standard of fiscal integrity and public accountability. The SSA is a joint powers authority empowered to work in consultation and cooperation with the state of California Natural Resources Agency to restore the Salton Sea.
The financial examination evaluated handling of SSA accounts for revenues and expenditures as well as internal controls over cash receiving, cash disbursement, payroll and investment transactions. The audit closely scrutinized state grant funds, such as the SSA’s Financial Feasibility Action Plan – completed on time and under budget by the SSA – and found all revenues and expenditures in proper order and accounted.