Parks and Recreation Announce Public Meeting


Last updated 6/18/2016 at 7:48am

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has announced a public hearing will be held June 22 to discuss objectives and recommendations, regarding the proposed action to regulate off-trail use in Natural Preserves.

The hearing will be held at the San Diego County Operations Center, Hearing Room, 5520 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 93123 starting at 6 pm and ending when either testimony has completed or no later than 8 pm.

At the hearing, any person may present statements or arguments orally or in writing relevant to the proposed actions described in the Informative Digest. DPR requires that persons making oral comments at the hearing also submit a written copy of their testimony at the hearing.

DPR staff will be available from 5:30 pm until the hearing commences to answer questions regarding the proposed regulations.

This rulemaking action clarifies and makes specific the authority for regulating off-trail use in Natural Preserves, Cultural Preserves, State Cultural Reserves, and State Natural Reserves within the California State Park System. Specifically the proposed regulations would prohibit all public use in these areas unless such use is on a trail, boardwalk or other designated route of travel, unless approved by DPR. These regulations will make it possible to better protect sensitive natural and cultural resources.(DPR) proposes to adopt the regulations described below after considering all comments, objectives, and recommendations regarding the proposed action.