Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Food Bank a fixture in Borrego


Last updated 6/27/2016 at 11:31am

The third Monday of every month, Borrego Springs is treated to a distribution of foodstuffs from the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank, the largest hunger relief organization in San Diego County.

“Established in 1977,” says their webpage, “Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank provides food to people in need and connects the people we serve to a range of health and human service providers. We advocate for the hungry and educate the public about hunger in our community.”

Ernie Loza, a long-time resident and head of the Slab City Ministries, organizes the event and travels to San Diego to pick up the month’s supplies of canned and dry goods, frozen items and produce to be distributed. He brings them to the St. Barnabas Church grounds to the waiting local volunteers who unload and stage the products before distributing them to families throughout the afternoon.

Among the volunteers who have been participating for many years are Fred Jee, Chuck Dashevsky, Diane Hydosky and Sue Salt. So, if you live in Borrego, permanently or seasonally, and have the time and good heartedness, please come to St. Barnabas around 10:30 on the third Monday of the month and help provide for those less fortunate.

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