Community News
Last updated 6/2/2016 at 11:06am
Waste Not, Want Not!
Snowbirds leaving for the season and other Borregans with extras in their pantries or homes are asked to bring non-perishable foods and essentials such as toilet paper, soap and shampoo, to Coldwell Banker Borrego’s (CBB) office.
The office will collect the items and coordinate their distribution to needy families in Borrego Springs and Ocotillo Wells.
CBB is open seven days a week at 642 Palm Canyon Drive.
Senior Center Needs!!!
No Bingo during the summer but, the Center needs new Bingo equipment (donations?) and a new caller in the fall.
Book donations needed at the Library
During spring cleaning and before you leave for the season, consider donating your books to the Friends of the Library. The library is requesting more donations of books, movies, and music.
Proceeds from the sale of books fund the purchase of new books for our library, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, new DVDs, books on tape, and library events and programs including children’s programs during the school year and summer.
Books can be delivered to the library Tuesday – Saturday.