Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Reminders to Remember


Last updated 1/19/2016 at 11:27am

I don’t know about you but, as I age (sometimes not so gracefully, either!) I admit to a greater reliance of all sorts of reminders: strings on my fingers, little Post-It notes in carefully color-coordinated arrays, bigger signs with large arrows pointing dutifully toward the thing to be remembered, the kitchen chalkboard and, of course, my ubiquitous planner in which is printed in large block letters the following admonition: “If I do nothing else today, I must…”

Well, I’m here to tell you that some reminders are much more effective than others. For example, tumbling out of bed to catch the premonition of sunrise – um, um! What better way to remember the clout of a higher power? What cues do you get when, quite by accident, you rediscover a little red construction paper jet plane tucked into a forgotten cubby in your wallet? Which souvenir of by-gone days brings you smack-dab into today? Are there tokens of yesteryear that decorate your psyche? How about the photo of your dad alongside his 1942 Lincoln Zephyr? Or your mom cuddling off-spring Number One in a WWF hold? How about refrains of music or sounds of nature? And those ravens . . . my, my, my. What do they bring to you?

Of course, worldly reminders and those of the spirit CAN be the same but, more often than not, they differ in import or action. Some days the important reminders call us to doctors’ appointments or to fulfilling community responsibilities or weeding or watering or to physically offering a helping hand. And, yes, sometimes a worldly reminder can point toward a spiritual one – and vice versa.

One of the most powerful reminders for me is that of death. Sounds morose, but it isn’t, really. When I am reminded of someone’s passing forward, I am also reminded of all that person was, of what I can still learn from him or her if I pay attention and, ultimately, I am reminded to make as good a use of my time here as I possibly can. That’s where guidance comes in I think. And gratitude. And, ultimately, a wish for wisdom. Sensing, knowing how and when and where I can be and do my best.

One of my favorite reminders comes from football guru Jerry Rice: “Today I will do the things that others won’t, so tomorrow I can do the things that others can’t.” It’s a start. Ciao!