The Future Looks Dry


Last updated 12/2/2015 at 11:49am

Even with a 95 percent probability of a strong El Niño, the state will prepare for a record fifth year of Drought. Worrying news and one which means continued water conservation should be at the top of everyone’s minds.

Despite record high temperatures in October, which contributed to a drop in water conservation, urban water users in the state conserved 22.2 percent in October, down from 26.2 percent in September. In Southern California, the savings went from 26.7 percent in September to 20.7 percent in October as compared to 2013.

State-wide conservation effort has saved 297.8 billion gallons from June through October, water consumption equal to the combined populations of San Diego and Sacramento counties in one year. Which allowed the state to achieve three-fourths of its water-saving goal of 1.2 million acre feet.

With experts unable to predict when the Drought will end, water officials say it will take more than a year to bring reservoirs back up to normal levels.