Borrego Sun - Since 1949

BSUSD Board Greets New Year


Last updated 10/7/2015 at 2:27pm

The Borrego Unified School District met in closed session at 4 pm and continued in open session at 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 16.

The Board members in attendance were: Steve Dunn, Steve Riehle, Susan Vescera, Judy Coyle, Martha Diechler, Monica Moore, and Mark Stevens. There was an audience of six adults and four high school seniors.

Minutes were approved.

High School Principal Steve Dunn began by reporting on the middle and high schools. High school attendance is up by 147 students. Math testing, a field trip for the 9th grade to the Museum of Natural History, and a senior parent meeting happening in the upcoming week were mentioned. Football is one and one with a game coming up on Friday. Volleyball is two and one.

Nathan King is resigning from the school library. The newly opened position will be posted.

Monica Getz, writing tutor and former journalist, introduced herself and reported on the writing program she is implementing with BSUSD students.

A Charter School report was given by Mark Stevens. Diego Springs Charter School and Juan Baptist de Anza are our two. Oxford Preparatory Academy has submitted a proposal for review and is going to become purely a home schooling academy. Juan Baptist de Anza is opening up a location in Ramona.

Martha Diechler began the Superintendent’s report with a mention that Borrego Springs started school under the hottest temperatures in the county. A water main broke which flooded the area causing a well known gopher snake five or six feet long to make an escape into the library. She said it was a typical day in Borrego.

Mr. Williams is coming and the new French books have arrived. The math program is going to be stellar. The ASES (After School Education and Safety) program is continuing.

The district has received a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) grant. It has also received a QPI (Quality Preschool Initiative) grant for $9,000 for personal development in preschool-aged children.

The North County Coastal Consortium has entered into an agreement with Borrego Springs Unified for Special Education Services by providing an instructor specially trained to work with blind students.

Tracy McFarland reported on English 3D, a new language program for English language learners. She also reported on an academic tool kit that works well in combination with the English 3D program. Both of these encourage critical thinking and require students to learn new words and use them in content areas.

Mark Stevens reported on the Unaudited Actuals of the school district budget which show a complete picture of the district’s finances as of June 30, 2015. The expenses and income will be audited by December 15, 2015, at which time the audited report will be presented.

The meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm, with the next meeting scheduled for Oct. 14, 2015.

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