Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Water Use in California is Down 29 Percent


Last updated 7/2/2015 at 4:13pm

Last year Governor Jerry Brown called for a voluntary 20 percent cutback in water use due to the Drought emergency. In May, Californians had already reduced by 29 percent, even though Brown’s mandatory statewide 25 percent cutbacks weren’t put into place until June. The data for June will become available later this month. Each community has been given a mandatory conservation target between 4 and 36 percent depending on how much water they used last summer. Each community’s usage will be tracked between June and February. State imposed restrictions on water use or fines may result if communities fail to reach their targets. Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board said Californians need to keep up the conservation because we don’t know when it will rain and snow again.