Borrego Sun - Since 1949

American Legion Installs New Officers for Next Season


Last updated 6/4/2015 at 10:02am

H. De Vaux III

The American Legion Post 853 held an Installation Ceremony on May 21 to acknowledge the 2015/2016 American Legion and Auxiliary officers. The incoming officers swore to uphold the four principals of justice, freedom, democracy and loyalty.

Gary Saunders- Commander

Rick Dobbins- 1st Vice Commander

Roger Ries- 2nd Vice Commander

Bob Juers- Financial Officer

Kenny Mickelson- Sergeant at Arms

Harley Hartman- Judge Advocate

Harry Jones- Adjutant

Executive Board Members: Jack Ward, Ed Cate, Bob Scribner and Dave McCleerey

Rosa Sanchez- President

Frieda MacLaughlin- 1st Vice President

Ann Shelton- 2nd Vice President

Carol Lewis- Secretary

Danna Dempsey- Treasurer

Wendy Quinn- Executive Committee Chair

Karen Bobren- Chaplain

Mary McMillian- Sergeant at Arms