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Sorted by date Results 76 - 100 of 232
Rams Hill Golf Course and Restaurant Closed
Rams Hill Golf Course and Restaurant closed from July 5, until November 4. Watch for details on their 3rd Annual Grand Opening, scheduled for November 4th, 2016 and November 5th, 2016.... — Updated 7/13/2016
ABDNHA - Parking Lot Closed
Re-surfacing took place on the parking lot between ABDNHA & Carlee's last month and will be ready for sealing in July. The lot will be closed Tues, July 12 through Fri, July 15. and re-opened Saturday July 16.... — Updated 7/12/2016
Borrego Blurb - Dollar Store to Borrego?
Is 'The Dollar Store' coming to Borrego Springs? It is rumored that it is going to be built on Palm Canyon Rd, next to the dog groomer, in the old Head Start School building. Contact the Borrego Sun if you hear anything, we welcome any information on this.... — Updated 7/11/2016
Borrego Blurb - West Shores
It is rumored that West Shores will be getting an CVS Pharmacy. No further details have come through, but updates will be posted.... — Updated 7/11/2016
The Center Market Makeover
If you head in to Borrego Springs today you may notice a Morgan Painting contractor giving the Center Market a bit of a make over. While streets are empty of visitors, the building is getting a smart new look with different colors... — Updated 7/8/2016
Mac's Desert Auto - Closed for Summer
Mac's Desert Auto also known as Gringos gas station in Borrego Springs has closed its doors for the summer. In an unprecedented move, the doors have been closed and no indication is being given as to when they will re-open.... — Updated 7/8/2016
Road Construction - Update
Update - Route 79 is now showing as cleared and open on both lanes. Road Construction 7 am - 5pm : Route 79- Lake Henshaw - one lane closed due to road construction a few miles before Montezuma Rd.... — Updated 7/6/2016
Parking Lot Closing for Work
Re-surfacing took place on the parking lot between ABDNHA & Carlee's last month and will be ready for sealing in July. The lot will be closed Tues, July 12 through Fri, July 15. and re-opened Saturday July 16.... — Updated 6/30/2016
Borrego Springs High School Pool - Update
Although the High School was temporarily suffering technical difficulties with the pool filtration system, the issue appears to have been resolved. The pool will be open as normal throughout the summer months.... — Updated 6/29/2016
Power Bills To See Rate Hike
San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas customers can expect to see increased power bills, after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) unanimously approved a rate hike on Thursday, June 23. According to SDG&E figures, a typical customer will see a $1.38... — Updated 6/24/2016
Borrego Days Donation
The Chamber of Commerce have announced that SDG&E have made a $5000 donation for the 2016 Borrego Days Festival - Resort to Nature.... — Updated 6/22/2016
Unhealthy Air Quality - San Gabriel Complex Fire
Two brush fires, named the Reservoir Fire and the Fish Fire broke out in the Angeles National Forest near Duarte, the morning of June 20. Collectively known as the San Gabriel Complex Fire, smoke is currently moving eastward toward San Bernardino and Riverside. Authorities are... — Updated 6/22/2016
Board of Directors Meeting
Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting 8:00 am , Tuesday, June 21, 2016... — Updated 6/20/2016
Celebracion de Dia Del Padre
Father’s Day Celebration Gather at Christmas Circle on Saturday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. Bring the family and join the fun. Games, music, free food, and practical gifts. Main prize: 1995 Saturn! Sponsored by our local churches. Organized by Ernie Loza.... — Updated 6/16/2016
Senior Center Movies
Fridays at 12:30 June 17: Spotlight – biography – Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton. June 24: San Andreas – action and adventure; – Dwayne Johnson.... — Updated 6/16/2016
Additional School Day
The Borrego Springs Unified School District has sent a letter to all parents notifying them that a recent state audit, showed that the high school is short in school days and must add a day to the school year or pay a large fine. Therefore, school will be open on Monday, June 20... — Updated 6/16/2016
Anza-Borrego Foundation Auction - Last Day
Place your bid in the online auction today! Looking for that great gift you need for your grandkid's birthday? How about for your significant other? Anniversary getaway for two? We've got you covered, and you can contribute to Anza-Borrego Foundation while you're getting that... — Updated 6/16/2016
Water Conservation at the Circle
In an effort to conserve water, Christmas Circle Park will be removing some grass and replacing it with Eco friendly landscape.... — Updated 6/9/2016
Salton Sea - Odor Advisory
South Coast Air Quality Management District has issued an Odor Advisory due to elevated Hydrogen Sulfide levels near Salton Sea This advisory is in effect today, June 7, 2016, and will expire at midnight tonight.... — Updated 6/7/2016
Because of the excessive heat warning, the ceremony has been changed to 9:00 am at the High School Community Room. Hot dogs and Nachos will be available at the snack bar after the ceremony. No slip and slide this year...sorry kids.... — Updated 6/4/2016
Salton City - Capt'n Jims
Capt'n Jims bar in Salton City is now closed. Please wait for further details.... — Updated 6/3/2016
Sponsor Group Meeting - Today
The meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m., in the community room at the high school.... — Updated 6/2/2016
Dates For Diary
There are several important community events on the horizon, listed below are the deadlines, which are fast approaching. Deadline for objections - Anza Borrego State Park. - June 6 Community Meeting for new Library Project - June 9 Notice of Public Hearing - Water and Sewer Rates... — Updated 6/2/2016
BSHS Spring Sports Banquet - Tonight
BSHS Spring Sports Banquet is tonight, Thursday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room. Parents, please bring a desert to share.... — Updated 6/2/2016
Critters of the Anza-Borrego Desert
Written and illustrated by Mrs. Williams’ class of 2015-16 at Borrego Springs Elementary School, The Critters of the Anza-Borrego Desert is available to order. Simply go to pin#3781856. It is 8.5 x 11, hardcover, 62 pages and $19.95 plus shipping &... — Updated 6/2/2016