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Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 232
Botswana Boys Visit Borrego
"Elephants!" said Tumelo Seemule, a student at the American University Prep School in Los Angeles, from Francistown, Botswana in response to my question, "What do you miss most from home?" His friend and fellow student, Zaid... — Updated 12/22/2016
United States Golf Challenge Qualifier – Warner Springs, Cancelled
Monday, June 13, the United States Golf Challenge will hold a King’s Cup Qualifier at Warner Springs Ranch Golf Club. Now in its second year, the USGC is a two-man best ball competition with local qualifiers known as King’s Cup Qualifiers, leading to a National Championship at... — Updated 6/14/2016
Cal Fire - Suspended Burning by Permit
CAL FIRE’s San Diego Unit - Monday, June 13, has suspended burning by permit and other uses of open fire, in State Responsibility Area lands in San Diego and Imperial counties.... — Updated 6/13/2016
Salton Sea - Odor Advisory
The South Coast Air Quality Management Districts odor advisory is still in effect around the Salton Sea areas. Updates will be posted as received to see if today's quake has raised levels or increased affected areas.... — Updated 6/10/2016
Borrego Blurb - Borrego Springs Resort
Word on the street is that Borrego Springs Resort are about to announce who the new owners are. Watch this space.... — Updated 5/26/2016
Borrego Springs Resort - Re-opening with New Owners
The Borrego Springs Resort will be closed Monday May 30, through to Wednesday, June 1 when it will be re-opened with the new owners in place.... — Updated 5/25/2016
Borrego Blurb - Airport Restaurant
With the doors closed on Assaggio's, who will be the next owner of the airport restaurant? More news to follow.... — Updated 5/24/2016
Miss Borrego Springs
This years Miss Borrego Springs Pageant, will be on October 15 at 7 p.m. So there is no excuse not to be there to see who wins the crown as the event is now the week before the Borrego Days Festival! This obviously makes things difficult for a lot of the participants who have... — Updated 5/24/2016
Borrego Springs Fire Dept - Kesling's Kitchen
Borrego Springs Fire Department responded to a fire alarm inside Kesling's Kitchen today Fri. May. 6 at approx. 3.00 p.m. Two fire trucks & one ambulance responded to what thankfully, appears to be a false alarm... — Updated 5/6/2016
Borrego Springs - Community Sponsor Meeting
During yesterdays Borrego Springs Community Sponsor Group meeting, it was announced that Kesling's Restaurant are requesting general parking signs in front of BAI. The request has been tabled for further investi... — Updated 5/6/2016
Borrego Springs - Book Donations Needed
Book Donations Needed at the Library During spring cleaning and before you leave for the season, consider donating your books to the Friends of the Library. The library is requesting more donations of books, movies, and music.... — Updated 5/1/2016
BWD General Manager Jerry Rolwing Resigns
Wednesday, March. 23, BWD General Manager Jerry Rolwing submitted his resignation to the board, effective in mid-July. More information and interview will be provided in the Sun.... — Updated 4/7/2016
Borrego Springs - Senior Center Lunch Menus
Lunch is served at the Senior Center at noon Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, except on noted holidays. Please call for reservations by 1:00 p.m. the previous day by calling 760-767-3116. Suggested donation, $6. Lunch to the homebound seniors is delivered Monday through Friday. If... — Updated 4/1/2016
April ArtWalk
April ArtWalk is scheduled for Friday, April 1, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Live music, refreshments, fun and ART! Join the galleries of Borrego Springs for new exhibitions and displays. Opened galleries include the Borrego Art Institute, The House of Borrego Springs Gallery, Tumbleweed... — Updated 3/30/2016
Found Beagle in Salton City Area
A lost Beagle dog has been found in the Salton City Area. If you have lost your pet please call to ID 760-394-4143 760-394-4198... — Updated 3/24/2016
Judy At The Palms With Cocktails
With all the new people in Borrego this year, it's hard to keep track, especially since they aren't "new". Take Judy Parker, the new bartender at the Crazy Coyote at The Palms At Indian Head out on Hoberg Rd. Having visited... — Updated 3/21/2016
Borrego Days Planning Meeting TODAY
Monday, Mar 21, 4:00 PM at the Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau Conference Room 786 Palm Canyon Dr, Borrego Springs 92004... — Updated 3/21/2016
Old Trophies for Pegleg Contest Wanted:
Old Trophies for the Pegleg Liars Contest that will be held on April 2. If you have old trophies please drop them off at the Borrego Sun Office, 707 Christmas Circle.... — Updated 3/18/2016
Borrego Springs Chamber Annual Members Breakfast Meeting & Installation
The Board of Directors of the Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce & Visitors' Bureau cordially invite you to attend the Annual Member Breakfast and Installation on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Breakfast is FREE courtesy of our host, La Casa Del Zorro Resort, BUT YOU MUST REGISTER... — Updated 3/18/2016
Salton Sea - Square Dancing
The weekly square dance lessons in Salton Sea have ended for the season, but they will start up again in April or May. They might move to the Borrego Springs area if residents are interested.... — Updated 3/15/2016
American Legion Auxiliary Tea
American Legion Post 853 will be having an auxiliary Tea Luncheon on Sunday, March 20, from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. The tickets can be purchased at Post 853, Bargain Barn and On Pins & Needles. 100 percent of the proceeds will go to the Veteran’s program.... — Updated 3/15/2016
Borrego Springs - Sponsor Group Committee
Anyone wishing to apply for the sponsor group committee should do so now.... — Updated 3/15/2016
Borrego Days Planning Meeting
The next planning meeting for Borrego Days will be Monday, March. 21 at 4.00p.m.... — Updated 3/15/2016
Borrego Blurb - Festival Happening
British Promoter and D.J Jacobi Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe was seen yesterday, visiting Borrego Springs. The rumor is, he is looking to hold an Ibiza style music festival in the area.... — Updated 12/9/2015
La Casa Del Zorro - "Happy Holiday Foxes"
La Casa Del Zorro Resort and Spa is currently selling "Foxes" or "Zorros" for $20.00 each for the benefit of local charities in town. The Resort introduced their latest "Happy Holiday Fox" version this holiday season. The new fox... — Updated 12/8/2015