
Sorted by date  Results 776 - 800 of 4659

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 By Ernie Cowan    News

Nature Watch: "Jimson Weed"

While the night-blooming flowers are large and beautiful, let's make sure that readers know that all parts of the datura plant are poisonous and can be fatal if ingested. Also known as sacred datura or Jimson weed, this widely... — Updated 9/2/2022

 By Ernie Cowan    News

2022 Bighorn Sheep Count Results

The delayed 50th anniversary Anza-Borrego Desert Bighorn Sheep Count was completed in early July and results of the tally have been released. COVID and the tragic death last year of a count volunteer prior to the annual census... — Updated 8/30/2022

 By Dennis Mammana    News

Three Decades of Stargazing!

It's hard to believe, but it will be 30 years on Aug. 19 since I published my first "Stargazers" column. Over those years, we've seen eclipses darken the land, planets converge in the sky or transit across the sun, meteor showers... — Updated 8/30/2022


Visit from Issa Staff

On August 5, Jennifer Haynes, Legislative Director for Congressman Darrell Issa’s office, visited Borrego Springs, and the Borrego Water District in particular, to get an update on the current water situation, as well as ways we may continue to work together in the future. A... — Updated 8/26/2022

 By Nikki Symington    News

PERT: The Mental Health Backup for Law Enforcement Encounters During A Crisis

Living in Borrego Springs, calling the sheriff or fire department for help in a serious mental health crisis or drug scene gone badly, does not address the core issues, and can lead to tragedy. However, engaging the Psychiatric Response Team (PERT) can make a difference in law... — Updated 8/26/2022


DWR Launches New Web-Based Mapping Tool

A new web-based tool developed by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) will allow the public to explore thousands of groundwater projects across California to get a better understanding of one of the state’s most critical water supply resources. The virtual mapping tool is p... — Updated 8/26/2022

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Desert Outpost – 17 Palms Oasis

A bead of sweat ran down my chest as my thoughts drifted to another traveler who camped in this same spot over a century ago. It was 109 degrees at 10 p.m. as I sat in quiet solitude amidst the cluster of silhouetted palms while th... — Updated 8/26/2022


Mobile Outreach and Wellness Vehicle

One of the most rewarding and important aspects of my job is allocating funds to small businesses and non-profits in our district. Whether it's through our Neighborhood Reinvestment Program or our Community Enhancement Program, gro... — Updated 8/23/2022

 By Dennis Mammana    News

Ring World: Saturn

It's often been said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, so if I were to ask which is the most beautiful of all the planets, I would expect a variety of answers. Some might say it's the delicate white crescent of Venus; ot... — Updated 8/23/2022


Outage Silences Borrego

An AT&T outage in Borrego Springs, that barred customers from having service for nearly four days, was finally restored on Aug. 10. A tower near the area went down on Aug. 7, causing many residents to have limited services or none at all. Some customers, however, were able to... — Updated 8/23/2022


Monkeypox: Health Emergency

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously ratified a local health state of emergency on Aug. 9, in response to the monkeypox outbreak in an attempt to bolster vaccination efforts. The ratification follows a state declaration and will need to be ratified again every 30... — Updated 8/23/2022

 By Nikki Symington    News

Resolution Fails to Pass

The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board (BSFPD) failed to pass the local Resolution of Application, which is the first step in opening negotiations with the County of San Diego and the process of dissolving the local Special District and joining the San Diego County... — Updated 8/23/2022

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Nature Watch: "Perseid Meteor Shower"

The dark skies around Borrego Springs will ignite with blazing fireballs during the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower, expected between Aug. 11 and 12 this year. Borrego's dark skies attract hundreds of sky watchers who... — Updated 8/23/2022


Update and News about the SVP Forecast

Since our last article, many Borregans attended the August 5 Proposed Placement for Sexually Violent Predator Douglas Badger. There was a good turnout for the court review, with Borregans who arrived in person including neighbors, American Legion Commander, Borrego Springs... — Updated 8/19/2022

 By Michael Sadler    News

Vagabond-5: Depressed But Not Suicidal

One never knows what complications one is going to encounter on a road trip, from camping lack of a WiFi/Hotspot car trouble. I will focus here on the final complication because it was the cause... — Updated 8/19/2022

 By Nikki Symington    News

About That Air Conditioner

Days and nights are definitely getting hotter in Borrego, cooling your home during the dog days of summer is expensive both in terms of electricity and the environment. In Borrego, as much as 50 percent of your annual energy use can go to cooling your house. This can account for... — Updated 8/19/2022


Tank Replacement Process Begins

BWD has secured project grant funding from the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board in the amount of $2,048,362 to replace the Twin Tanks, Indian Head Tank, and the Rams Hill #2. The Project is needed to replace aging tanks that have served the entire... — Updated 8/19/2022


AT&T Services Restored

AT&T services in Borrego Springs has been restored, as of Aug. 10, 10:40 a.m. Services for AT&T have been out since Sunday Aug. 7, as crews looked to determine the issues with a tower nearby. Representatives were contacted and said it would be possibly restored on Aug. 13.... — Updated 8/19/2022


Lighting Strikes, SDGE Out

What a day it was for Borregans on June 22 – from possible lighting striking a palm tree to being without power for a few hours. Fire crews were busy, as they responded quickly to a burning palm tree at Rams Hill. No foul play was suspected, but the leading culprit: a lightning b... — Updated 7/12/2022


Race Across the West

Dubbed as one of the toughest cycling races in the world, Race Across the West and Race Across America trekked through the country for another year. The 3,037-mile Race Across America (RAAM) and its 928-mile counterpart, Race... — Updated 7/12/2022

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Nature Watch: "Skunk Beetle"

Ewww, I almost stepped on it. It was almost dark, and the jet-black beetle was walking slowly along my path and was very hard to see. Not only would he not survive being stepped on, but I would suffer from the potent smell this... — Updated 7/12/2022

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Sycuan Donates to Bighorn Sheep Conservation Fund

The Sycuan Casino and Resort has donated $25,000 to Anza-Borrego Foundation that will be used to launch a Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Conservation Fund. The donated funds come at a time when bighorn sheep are facing survival... — Updated 7/12/2022

 By Nikki Symington    News

BSFPD Votes to Join SDCFPD

A brilliant example of community collaboration to benefit Borrego taxpayers and emergency services happened in Borrego over the past three months. The Borrego Sun began investigating the critical financial situation of the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District (BSFPD). A group... — Updated 7/5/2022


SVP Hearing, July 8 Downtown San Diego

Numerous residents of Borrego Springs provided their opposition to the proposed placement of Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Michael Martinez in Borrego Springs to the Sheriff’s SAFE Task Force. Many also provided comments and complaints to County offices and State elected r... — Updated 7/5/2022


New Program for SDG&E Customers for Saving Energy

Ahead of what is forecasted to be another hot summer with high energy demand, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has launched a new energy conservation incentive program that rewards customers with bill credits for reducing their energy use on days when the grid statewide is... — Updated 7/5/2022


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