Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Borrego Springs - RAAM's Race across the West. Today

Cyclists will be heading through Borrego Springs today from 4.00 to 8.00p.m as competitors take part in RAAM's Race Across the West (RAW). It is the second longest RAAM qualifier in the USA and draws racers and media crews from... — Updated 12/22/2016


"Who's Open" - Summer Special

The June 16 issue of the Borrego Sun will be a Summer Special Issue highlighting you and your business, along with a special color ad on our popular website from mid June through the end of August. It is a "Who's Open"... — Updated 7/1/2016


Summer is Here

Visit today and every day for updated news and information on Borrego Springs, Julian, Warner Springs, Salton Sea, Ranchita, Ocotillo Wells and Santa Ysabel. We cover the backcountry and provide alerts, short... — Updated 6/28/2016


Borrego Days - Official Logo 2016

Borrego Days official 2016 theme and logo have been released. Despite the temperatures rising to 117f, the planning meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce today, with the Official Borrego Days Desert Festival logo, designed... — Updated 6/28/2016

 By Ellen Fitzpatrick    News

Father's Day Festivities

Ernie and Debbie Loza brought the town together for Father's Day in the cooling breeze of a Saturday evening at Christmas Circle Park. Families look forward to the fellowship, food, games and gifts, all donated for the event by... — Updated 6/25/2016

 By Ellen Fitzpatrick    News

Hats Off! To the Class of 2016!

The Class of 2016 was presented and individually spotlighted and admired by the community during the Conferring of Honors portion of the Graduation Commencement last night, June 17, at Borrego Springs High School. Ms. Martha... — Updated 6/24/2016


2016 Graduates of BSHS Commencement Ceremony

Borrego Springs High students held their 2016 Graduates of BSHS Commencement Ceremony Friday, June 17 with a packed audience of proud parents and families. The ceremony followed on from the earlier event which saw children from... — Updated 6/23/2016


Borrego Springs - Gofundme, Christmas Circle

The Board of directors for the Christmas Circle Community Park, have set up a Gofundme page. Located in the center of the village, Christmas Circle provides the only public, grassed and shaded area in Borrego Valley. The park is... — Updated 6/21/2016

 By Ellen Fitzpatrick    News

It's Hot Out!

The temps are spiking today in Borrego. It's hot out!... — Updated 6/20/2016


RAAM's Race Across the West

The first cyclists came through Borrego Springs in a blur, as the riders continue on their epic Race Across the West (RAW). Starting from the beach in Oceanside and finishing on the Animas River in the cycling mecca of Durango, CO.... — Updated 6/20/2016

 By Yolandi Jooste    News

Equine Education

Not every school field trip has to end at a zoo or a national museum. There are great places for schools to visit; if you think a little outside of the box. If you are a student in Borrego Springs, one of the field trips the school offers is a two or three day trip to the Borrego... — Updated 6/20/2016


High Temps and Odor Alert

Temperatures today are looking to hit 119f with tomorrow expecting highs of 123f. The heat wave won’t ease until Tuesday. Forecasters say monsoonal moisture from Baja California may begin to flow into parts of Southern California. The South Coast Air Quality Management District h... — Updated 6/19/2016


Excessive Heat Warning - 121f

Excessive heat warning remains in effect from 11.00 am Sunday to 8.00 PM Wednesday with temperatures expected to reach a high of 121f Monday. High temperatures throughout Sunday (118f) could continue in the mountains and... — Updated 6/19/2016


Borrego Water Coalition Conservation Efforts

BORREGO WATER COALITION MEMBERS HAVE TAKEN A BITE OUT OF THE BORREGO VALLEY GROUNDWATER BASIN OVERDRAFT The Borrego Water Coalition ("the Coalition") members represent approximately 80% of the annual withdrawals from the Borrego... — Updated 6/19/2016


Borrego Springs High School Graduation

Borrego Springs High School students will don caps and gowns for Commencement ceremonies on Friday, June 17, at the high school gymnasium. Family members will be welcome to enter the gym prior to the event, which begins at 6:00 p.m. Each grad family will receive fourteen tickets... — Updated 6/18/2016


Anza-Borrego State Park - Off the hook and off the trails

The decision makers in Sacramento have been inundated with letters of opposition, as the uproar surrounding the proposed rule change to enjoying Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, landed squarely at their feet. The park is made up of popular hiking areas including Little Blair Valley... — Updated 6/18/2016


Borrego Springs - Pic of the Day

Borrego Springs High School Graduating Class of 2016! As is the tradition, the class has presented the school with a gift, here they are standing with their senior gift, the Ram.... — Updated 6/18/2016


Borrego Springs - Cool Zone

Temperatures are set to rise again this weekend, weather forecasts predict Sunday, June 19 - up to 114f and Monday, June 20 - up to 116f. The Borrego Springs library will be open on those days as a 'Cool Zone'. Sun. June 19 -... — Updated 6/18/2016


Parks and Recreation Announce Public Meeting

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has announced a public hearing will be held June 22 to discuss objectives and recommendations, regarding the proposed action to regulate off-trail use in Natural Preserves.... — Updated 6/18/2016

 By Ellen Fitzpatrick    News

Fifth-Graders Advance Today!

College Bound Coyotes, the fifth-grade class of Borrego Springs Elementary School (BSES) participated in Promotion Ceremonies this morning, June 17, and were awarded Diplomas of Achievement. Family and friends filled the staging... — Updated 6/18/2016


OCOTILLO WELLS – Fire Loss Fundraiser/Cleanup

Did you see the black smoke in the east sky the other day? Split Mountain Mobile Park lost a trailer. "Unfortunately Bobby Peterson, who is handicapped with Cerebral Palsy, lost his two-bedroom trailer. He lost everything but his golf cart; only has clothes on his back and his... — Updated 6/17/2016


Salton Sea - $80 million Funding

Salton Sea will receive $80 million. “I want to thank my senate colleagues for working with me to secure funding for the Salton Sea, In-Home Supportive Service workers, early childhood education and affordable housing,” stated Senator Ben Hueso. “My district now has the oppor... — Updated 6/16/2016


Aerial Mosquito Larvicide Application

The County of San Diego Vector Control Program (VCP) will conduct its third aerial mosquito larvicide application of the 2016 mosquito season at large waterbodies known to breed mosquitoes throughout the county on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. A helicopter will apply larvicide to redu... — Updated 6/16/2016


Salton Sea Authority, Ranks Top

The Salton Sea Authority (SSA) has received the very best financial review an organization can receive, according to a recently completed independent audit of the organization. Independent auditor Jennifer Farr reported audit results to the Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors... — Updated 6/16/2016


Borrego Pitches County for Funding

Non-profit organizations gathered together Monday June. 13, as the public hearings began on the county’s proposed $5.35 billion budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year. Representatives of the organizations stood before the Board of Supervisors to give a two-minute speech, seeking fundi... — Updated 6/16/2016


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