Sorted by date Results 3326 - 3350 of 4659
300th Tweet @borregoSunNews
Borrego Sun online celebrated its webiversary recently after 12 months reporting the news online. Since then we have included Facebook and Twitter to our social media profiles and they are proving to be popular additions. We're... — Updated 7/1/2016
Heat Advisory - Dogs & Heatstroke
As the heat advisory continues to be in effect across the valley, it has been reported that there are a number of dogs being allowed to run loose through the deserts streets. As well as burnt pads from the heat of the asphalt, all... — Updated 7/1/2016
Lunch at the Library? Send in the Clowns
Children from Ocotillo Wells and Borrego Springs were entertained by Free Spirit the Clown on Thurs. June 23. Friendships are being made as the children line up ready to go in to the library. For a lot of children it would be a... — Updated 7/1/2016
Borrego Springs - Record Temps
Despite a string of unfortunate events, Borrego Springs may be entering the history books. June 20 saw the temperature gauge hit 122f, the hottest place in San Diego County. According to the National Weather Service, the high... — Updated 7/1/2016
Julian - Grey Wolf Litter
The California Wolf Center (CWC) in Julian, are celebrating the arrival of a litter of seven endangered Mexican gray wolf puppies. The healthy seven-week-old litter contains four male and three female puppies that were born on, or... — Updated 6/30/2016
Legalization of Marijuana?
"Today marks a fresh start for California, as we prepare to replace the costly, harmful and ineffective system of prohibition with a safe, legal and responsible adult-use marijuana system that gets it right and completely pays for... — Updated 6/29/2016
Plague found in San Bernardino National Forest
Public health officials are warning residents that squirrels at two local campgrounds have tested positive for the plague. According to the Riverside County Environmental Heath Department, ground squirrels from both the Dark Canyon and Marion Mountain campgrounds recently tested... — Updated 6/29/2016
$10.2 million increase to Budget
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a revised $5.36 billion budget Tuesday, for the upcoming fiscal year, which starts July 1, 2016. The revised budget is a $10.2 million increase over the 2016-17 CAO Recommended Operational Plan presented in May. The bu... — Updated 6/29/2016
Ramona- Albertsons to Host Bloodmobile Drive
The San Diego Blood Bank will accept blood donations at Albertsons on Saturday, July 2, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. All blood types are needed. Current inventory for the universal blood type, O negative, is at critically low levels. The drive will be held at: 1459 Main St Ramo... — Updated 6/28/2016
Food Bank a fixture in Borrego
The third Monday of every month, Borrego Springs is treated to a distribution of foodstuffs from the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank, the largest hunger relief organization in San Diego County. “Established in 1977,” says their webpage, “Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank p... — Updated 6/27/2016
San Gabriel & Border Fire Update
As firefighters continue to control six fires that broke out through the county, The San Gabriel Complex, which has been sending smoke across the Coachella Valley, has burnt a combined acreage of 5,381 acres. Made up of 1,146 acres for the Reservoir Fire, it is now 71% contained... — Updated 6/27/2016
Montezuma Grade Day!
This month marks the 52nd anniversary of the opening of Montezuma Grade. Called the 'new access highway,' the road winds from mountain heights of 4,000 feet to its junction with Palm Canyon Drive on the floor of Borrego Valley.... — Updated 6/27/2016
Save Our Sea Sacramento!
Ecomedia Compass are inviting residents to come and enjoy a cool day with the Salton Sea community as they shout “Save Our Sea Sacramento!” The fun, family event will be held June 2, 4.00p.m to 8.00p.m to learn about current restoration events and listen to some live music. Acc... — Updated 6/26/2016
Heat Advisory
Temperatures are starting to climb once again across the desert and should reach 114f by Wednesday, according to forecasters. Keep an eye out for your local Cool Zone over the next few weeks as it looks as though the mercury will be staying over 100f for a while... — Updated 6/25/2016
Wildfires Update Across State
Around the state, six large fires have 4,500 firefighters working around the clock. San Diego’s Border Fire, which broke out Sunday, is currently 45% contained and covering 7,483 acres. The San Gabriel Complex Fire in Los Angeles County, which first broke out Monday, has burned a... — Updated 6/24/2016
High School Prom an Elegant Affair
Tonight the students were the shining spotlight at the Borrego Springs Resort - decked out in black and gold, the dining area and dance floor was filled with young adults dressed to the nines. See the next issue of the Borrego Sun... — Updated 6/17/2016
High Temps This Week
The first triple-digit temperatures of the season will start today, as the thermometers will hit 103f. According to the National Weather Service, all week will be staying above 100f with Friday reaching as high as 112f. NOAA's... — Updated 6/10/2016
Excessive Heat Warning
As the first major heat wave of the season gathers strength, the excessive heat warning will remain in effect from 10 am Friday to 8 PM Sunday. Temperatures are predicted to reach 110 to 117 in the lower deserts and 100 to 108 in... — Updated 6/6/2016
Gift of Sight at Elementary
Donald and Darlene Shiley marked the beginning of the Shiley Eye Institute with a financial endowment and the organization has continued sharing that gift. Now grown to be a recognized leader and San Diego's first comprehensive... — Updated 6/6/2016
Borrego Round Up
With the Memorial Day celebrations behind us and the three gun salute still ringing in our ears, it is time to look forward to the events ahead. The valley is still on a high heat alert despite the morning starting with some clouds in the sky. Borrego Springs Resort will be... — Updated 6/3/2016
Memorial Day Gas Price Low
So far there have been no major issues reported by the California Highway Patrol for Memorial Day. Coachella Valley saw major traffic delays over the Memorial Day weekend with roads slowly clearing through the afternoon and... — Updated 6/3/2016
Auto Theft - J&T Tire & Auto
It seems no matter what precautions you take, even the professionals can find themselves under attack from life's less desirable inhabitants. Jake, the owner of J&T Tire & Auto, discovered a pickup truck belonging to Rick Anson, had been stolen from his property, Wed. night, May... — Updated 6/2/2016
Community News
Waste Not, Want Not! Snowbirds leaving for the season and other Borregans with extras in their pantries or homes are asked to bring non-perishable foods and essentials such as toilet paper, soap and shampoo, to Coldwell Banker Borrego’s (CBB) office. The office will collect the i... — Updated 6/2/2016
Borrego Days - Call for Volunteers
Do you love seeing all the marching bands in the parade? Then you will be excited that the committee have confirmed three, possibly four, bands so far and would like that number to grow to ten! If you would like to help in any way, the Chamber needs volunteers and is accepting... — Updated 6/2/2016
Parents with Infant Arrested, $265,700 Meths Seized
El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Highway 86 checkpoint, arrested a couple traveling with their child, for suspected drug smuggling Mon, May.30. Border Patrol agents initiated a vehicle stop of a 2006 Honda Civic approximately two miles south of the Highway 86... — Updated 6/2/2016