Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Salton City - Nearly $1M Cocaine Seized

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Highway 86 checkpoint, simultaneously arrested two men suspected of smuggling drugs hidden in their trucks on Friday. The incident occurred at approximately 12:10 p.m., when two truck drivers approached the checkpoint driving... — Updated 10/31/2016


New Law - Right to Rescue Act

Pets that are left unattended in cars in the heat, and are rescued by good Samaritans, will now be better protected, thanks to new legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last weekend. Assemblymembers Marc Steinorth, a Republican... — Updated 9/29/2016


Borrego Round Up

If you're heading in to town tonight, Blaze are playing in Carlee's from 8.00p.m. Jimi "Blaze" brings a bluesy style to some rock currents and classics so it's sure to be a packed night. Kids games are going on at the school pool... — Updated 9/29/2016


Pic of the Day

Following the rain, mushrooms have sprouted up on the freshly seeded grass of Club Circle. If you have any photos you would like to see on the website (no guarantees but keeping it clean and in focus will help), send them in to... — Updated 9/29/2016


Salton Sea - Firefighters Need Support

Salton City Volunteer Fire Department is in desperate need of funds to replace old and damaged firefighting gear and equipment. The department is also in need of funds to send its members to EMT and Specialty Fire Training. The dep... — Updated 9/29/2016


Autumn in Borrego Springs

The Harvest Moon brought the official end of summer, rain, rain and a bit more rain that saw new life spring up around the circle and a day of respite for the Big horn sheep and residents alike. Winds have picked up in the... — Updated 9/29/2016

 By Nancy Bye    News

Nature Watch

Get out! Get out! GET OUTSIDE!!! It is cool and calm and clear. Simply gorgeous, so let’s enjoy every minute. Also, don’t miss the sunsets. Lovely glowing rosy light against our tall, tall mountains. And the full Harvest Moon, for those of you who are still summering, was rea... — Updated 9/28/2016

 By Suzanne Howarth    News

Murder update answers some questions

Loud voices, shouting and yelling were interspersed with the sound of the barks from a panicked dog. That’s what neighbors reported hearing, yet it hadn’t been enough to raise concern as it hadn’t been the first time that it had happened. The only difference this time is that... — Updated 9/27/2016


Warner Springs Homicide Update

Warner Springs is still reeling from the death of Carrie Deatherage, 51 at the hands of her own sister. A resident of the Los Coyotes Indian Reservation, Deatherage was hospitalized with a single gunshot wound to the head, Friday, Sept. 22. and died Tuesday Sept. 27. Her death... — Updated 9/27/2016

 By Debbie Woollet    News

Why Volunteer for Borrego Days

Being a volunteer for Borrego Days is a great experience. These are just a few of the reasons you will want to volunteer: It's easy to sign up and then wait for one of the organizers to call you and find out where and when they can use your help. You will meet with everyone on... — Updated 9/27/2016


Taking a Coffee Break at Umpqua Bank

Thursday is National Coffee Day, but what you may not know, is every day is coffee day at Umpqua Bank. Umpqua are inviting the community to stop by the Borrego Springs store to receive a free cup of Umpqua’s signature blend coffee and learn other fun and exciting ways Umpqua is g... — Updated 9/27/2016


Carpentry Positions Available

We are seeking several individuals for immediate openings to begin next week for a duration of two weeks. We will be working long hours and 6 days a week so you have the potential to make some good money in a few weeks. We will be scheduled from 5 am to 6 pm daily and possibly... — Updated 9/27/2016


SDG&E - 'Reduce your Use' Day

Today is 'Reduce Your Use' day. SDG&E plan to look at a user’s last five days before Monday and take an average of the highest three days to see how much the user will need to save to earn a bill credit. Although SDG&E state they have adequate electricity resources to meet the d... — Updated 9/26/2016


Borrego Days Board Meeting

If you would like to be involved in the planning of the Borrego Days Parade, the board are holding a meeting today at 4.00p.m.. Meeting held in the Chamber of Commerce.... — Updated 9/26/2016


Law Passed - CPR in Schools

Governor Jerry Brown has signed AB 1719 to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in schools into law. The new law, authored by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (D-Pomona), makes California the 35th state to provide CPR training in high schools, along with Washington, D.C.... — Updated 9/26/2016


Disruptions on I-8 Continue

Caltrans crews continue work on the I-8 Update Project in Imperial County, from State Route 111 (SR-111) to the California/Arizona border. Lane closures and traffic detours for three separate segments along I-8 may cause significant delays as motorists travel between California... — Updated 9/26/2016


Earthquakes across Salton Sea

A 4.3 earthquake in the water, just south of Bombay Beach, was registered by the US Geological Survey this morning. The shallow quakes were centered in an area where the San Andreas Fault enters the Salton Sea. There were three small earthquakes at 4:38 a.m before the largest... — Updated 9/26/2016


Red Flag Warning

The San Diego National Weather Service has issued a red flag warning from midnight tonight to 3pm Monday for San Diego County inland valleys. The Red Flag Warning has been issued due to strong gusty winds and low humidity. Winds... — Updated 9/24/2016


Questions Raised Over Community Choice Aggregation

As Borrego and surrounding towns have seen their electricity bills increased and many consumers are on different rate tiers then before, the Community Choice Aggregation programs are causing concern. The article below by Bianca Kaplanek of The Coast News Group shows how more... — Updated 9/24/2016


The Mall Rolls out the Ramps

In order to stay up to date with compliance codes and to make traversing The Mall a little easier, Jim Wermers has been outside digging up the concrete. When we caught up with him on Thursday he was doing a wonderful job of... — Updated 9/24/2016


Drive Safe Borrego

County Sheriff Officer Billy Painter has unofficially provided Borrego Sun's (temporary resident) Brit, diplomatic immunity. Those weren't his exact words, but I know what his steely stare really means. But for everyone else... — Updated 9/23/2016


Public Hearing - Borrego Springs Fire Protection

Notice of Public Hearing on Oct. 6, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District (BSFPD) will conduct a public hearing at 4:00 p.m. on Oct. 6 in the Board Room at 2324 Stirrup Road, Borrego Springs, CA 92004. The purpose of this hearing is to adopt Ordinance... — Updated 9/23/2016


Julian Showing Pioneer Spirit

Many shops across Julian, were left in the dark Thursday thanks to a planned power outage by SDG&E. who have been replacing power poles in the east county. For Julian business owners that meant becoming creative to meet the needs of customers. While some managed to get creative... — Updated 9/23/2016


County Wins State Awards for Innovation

San Diego County received eight awards in an annual program recognizing innovation by the state’s counties. The California State Association of Counties presented San Diego County with two Challenge Awards and six Merit Awards, the most awards given to any county this year. “The C... — Updated 9/23/2016


Center Market Re-vamp Continues

The start of the season is fast approaching and the grounds around the Center Market are torn up, flattened out and ready for the work to begin. Lots of activity there this morning as the trucks have begun to arrive to prepare for... — Updated 9/23/2016


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