Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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 By Yolandi Jooste    News

Borrego is a Special Place

Brenda Frazier and Pawel Mikolajewski are flying from Virginia on a cross country trip to bring home their newly purchased Great Lakes 2T-2 Aircraft on Nov. 17. When asked why the happy couple stopped in Borrego Springs to grab a... — Updated 11/27/2016

 By Leyssa Garcia    News

The Salton Sea is No Picnic

Kevin Kelley, General manager for Imperial Irrigation District (IID), stated "Salton Sea is no picnic, people have always talked about addressing the issues but not much action has been taken.", despite the topic of cleaning up... — Updated 11/27/2016


Rudyville Update

Rudyville (aka DS-24) is one of 41 active Property Specific Requests (PSRs) in San Diego County, each seeking approval from the County Board of Supervisors for proposed Amendments to the County's General Plan. Most of the PSRs... — Updated 11/23/2016


IID Ultimatum for Salton Sea

The Water Education Foundation has stated: “The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) has given California officials an ultimatum on the Salton Sea, demanding the state finalize a 10-year “roadmap” for the shrinking lake by the end of this year. The IID gave the appeal this week,... — Updated 11/22/2016


Thanksgiving DUI Patrols

Thanksgiving is considered one of the busiest holiday travel weekends of the year. With millions of people hitting the road, the Sheriff's Department wants you to do the responsible thing and not drink and drive. If you get arrested, you will go to jail. Sheriff's Deputies will... — Updated 11/22/2016


Salton Sea Wins $14 million Grant

The California Wildlife Conservation Board has awarded $14 million for Salton Sea wetland habitat restoration to sustain migrating birds and the fish they eat there, state officials announced Thursday, Nov. 17. The grant of voter-approved bond funds will be used by the California... — Updated 11/21/2016


Prepare for Inevitable Warn Scientists

Scientists, disaster response and liability experts were brought together by New America Media (NAM) and the nonprofit California Earthquake Authority (CEA) at the Los Angeles Emergency Operations Center Thursday, Nov. 17. Fearing that a major earthquake is due to hit somewhere in... — Updated 11/21/2016


The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families and are enrolled or are enrolling an undergraduate or vocational school program. This is a $1,000 grant. The application deadline has been extended to... — Updated 11/21/2016


Traveling With Françoise Television Travel Show

Event: Traveling With Françoise Television Travel Show Host: Françoise Rhodes Start Date: December 1, 2016 Airs Weekly: Every Thursday at 5:30 - 6 a.m., and 12 - 12:30 pm/noon. Station: FOX11 KDFX Indio-Palm Springs Web site: Beginning on December 1,... — Updated 11/21/2016


Books and Buckets outside the Mall but be Quick

The early birds have been out since buying books at the library and getting their cars washed by the boys and girls soccer team. Still time to grab some of the action right outside of the mall. Stop by and grab a book while supporting the local school kids... — Updated 11/21/2016

 By Denny DuVall    News

Old Borego Meets New Borrego

On or around the second Sunday of every November the Borrego Springs Civic Foundation gets the keys to Old Borego, and opens it to the public from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The fourth grade class writes up a history of old Borego, and awards are given to the best essay’s. The fourth g... — Updated 11/18/2016


Benoit Begins Chemo

Riverside County Supervisor John J. Benoit will likely begin aggressive chemotherapy after blood clots in his lungs, a growth on his pancreas and spots on his liver and lungs were discovered, he announced Friday, Nov. 18. Benoit, in a news release, said he had been enduring weeks... — Updated 11/18/2016


Lots on in Borrego

If you haven't already bought your tickets, head over to the Big Horn Fudge. Tonight is the BAI opening Gala with Big Band All Stars providing the entertainment. It sounds like it will be a good show. The event starts at 6:00p.m. The boys and girls soccer team will be having a... — Updated 11/18/2016


Randy Jones Invitational and Pacific Hospitality Group Announce Major Joint Efforts

The Randy Jones Golf Invitational, founded by the former San Diego Padres pitcher to raise money for local charity golf tournaments, and Pacific Hospitality Group, Inc. (PHG), which develops and manages hotel and resort properties... — Updated 11/18/2016


New Deputy Hits Town

There's a new face in town, but it's probably not one you want to see too often. Deputy Sheriff Pete Wagner (also known as 'the young one') is back in Borrego Springs. Some residents will know him from his past life as the Schools... — Updated 11/16/2016


Lights Up at the Mall

Borrego Springs Mall is getting in to the holiday spirit with lights wrapping round their building.... — Updated 11/16/2016


New Library Director in Borrego

The County has a new Library Director and he has already set himself his first challenge. “Since I come from another jurisdiction” says Migell Acosta “I’ve told staff to give me a hundred days to get to every library and talk to every member of staff. Each system has its own soul... — Updated 11/16/2016

 By Kristine Whitman    News

Borrego Springs Resort - Spa Serenity, Open House

On Tuesday, October 11th from 4:30 to 6:30 PM Spa Serenity at Borrego Springs Resort will host a festive evening with an open house. The manager, Cindy, will welcome patrons to tour the Resort Spa. There are several well appointed... — Updated 10/31/2016


Salton Sea - New Fault Line Discovered

Just days after a cluster of more than 200 small earthquakes shook the Salton Sea area, scientists have found evidence of a second fault line that runs parallel to the massive San Andreas Fault - one of the state's most dangerous... — Updated 10/15/2016


SuperFAM Farewell

As the family from SupperFAM, Trek America and British Airways head off home, we would like to thank them for choosing Borrego to be their final destination. We know they enjoyed themselves last night, (some photos may exist on... — Updated 10/7/2016


Are Salton Sea Earthquake Swarms Induced?

The threat of an imminent 7+ earthquake has diminished despite the U.S. Geological Survey reporting two more earthquakes, magnitudes 3.4 and 3.0, in the Salton Sea region Wednesday morning following the cluster of quakes, Mining Awareness have asked the question - are Geothermal... — Updated 10/6/2016


Sustainable Strategies to Reverse Ecological Disruption

AGESS, Inc. is a visionary project management company that uses cutting edge science to solve some of the most pressing ecological problems of our day. Currently working to rehabilitate the Salton Sea and other polluted waterways, AGESS uses an “industrial ecology” of inn... — Updated 10/6/2016

 By Paddie Connelly    News

West Shores High School Sees Accredidation

West Shores High School is in Western States Association of Schools and College (WASC) accreditation mode. All sorts and conditions of educators, students, and community members are diligently setting forth, clarifying and substantiating the rubrics that govern our school and its... — Updated 10/6/2016

 By Paddie Connelly    News

West Shores Lions Club

The West Shores Lions Club is starting a community-based Leo’s Club; endorsed by parental support. Headed by Lion Candi Brown, the club meets every second and fourth Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the POA in Salton Sea Beach. The purpose of the club, which has chapters all over the w... — Updated 10/6/2016


A Thank You

We have such wonderful supportive people in Borrego. After requesting donations to help us replace our ancient Bingo equipment at the Senior Center, the donations started to arrive. A sincere “Thank-You,” to all who responded. A special “Thank-You” to Elaine Hazelrigg who set up... — Updated 10/6/2016


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