Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Bald Eagle Counts - Volunteer

The U. S. Forest Service has scheduled its four bald eagle counts for this winter. All counts will be on the Saturday mornings of Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11 and March 11. Migrating eagles typically begin arriving in the area in late... — Updated 12/16/2016


The Holidays are Coming

Borrego Springs is stringing up the lights, pulling out the festive jumpers and welcoming Santa Claus to the Circle. Borrego Outfitters welcomed shoppers to their Hot Chilli nights and Rams Hill offered carol singers and fun for... — Updated 12/16/2016


California Rejects Listing Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard

After months of speculation and loss of revenue for business across Ocotillo Wells and surrounding areas, California wildlife officials have voted against listing the flat-tailed horned lizard on the endangered species list. Thurs. Dec. 8 saw representatives of various public and... — Updated 12/16/2016


Supermoon Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 13 will produce a supermoon, completing a trifecta of moons that appear larger and brighter than regular full moons. The most spectacular time to view a supermoon is moonrise. In Southern California that will be 5:05 p.m. The moon will appear full to the untrained... — Updated 12/13/2016


I-8 Ramps Re-Open at Algodones Road and Gordons' Well Road

Caltrans have announced that the on- and off-ramps at Algodones Road/State Route186 (SR-186) along Interstate 8 (I-8) have re-opened. The eastbound I-8 on- and off-ramps at Gordons’ Well Road will re-open Dec. 15. With the opening of the eastbound ramps for Algodones Road/SR-186,... — Updated 12/13/2016


Salton Sea - Another Bill Another Day

Following on from the L.A Times article yesterday and the confusion generally, another member of state has spoken out for the Salton Sea. If you are wondering whether all the talk and the occasional grants makes a difference? Congratulations, you aren't alone. You have people in... — Updated 12/12/2016


Salton Sea In the LA Times

The Salton Sea has once again made it in to the LA Times with Sen. Boxer causing waves. 'The water policy measure overwhelmingly passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday to build long-term water infrastructure across the Golden State is headed for a showdown with... — Updated 12/11/2016


Julian - Christmas Trees

Head out to Julian for a fresh cut Christmas tree before Dec. 18 at 5.00 PM. Julian Christmas Tree Ranch are open each week Wednesday through Sunday from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. With Freshly-Topped White Firs and Noble Firs,... — Updated 12/11/2016


Borrego - Free Library Programs

Adults Yoga with Jan. Wednesdays, 3:30 pm Knitting: Bring your project to work on, come for inspiration, share knowledge, or start a project! Beginners welcome! Saturdays, 1– 3 pm Teens Robotics. Join other teens for Robotics. Friday, December 2, 3:30 pm Kids Amazing Ozobots in D... — Updated 12/8/2016


Changes to I-8 Dogwood Road

Caltrans is reminding motorists that the new Interstate 8 (I-8) Dogwood Road interchange includes a reconfigured intersection that requires drivers on northbound Dogwood Road to use the right lane to access westbound Interstate 8. Northbound motorists are not permitted to make a... — Updated 12/8/2016


Julian - Prescribed Burn Announced

CAL Fire and California State Parks are to Conduct a Prescribed Burn in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park The prescribed burn on Middle Peak in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park will take place between December 13th and January 31 as conditions... — Updated 12/8/2016


National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Flags were lined up at half-staff through the streets of Borrego yesterday to honor the fallen. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - A PROCLAMATION Seventy-five years ago, Japanese fighter planes attacked the United... — Updated 12/8/2016


Strong Wind Warning

Winds have picked up across Borrego again today, gusts of 14mph from the West. Temperatures are forecast at 71F with highs of 75F expected over the week. As everyone starts thinking about the holidays, the desert is looking very... — Updated 12/6/2016


SDG&E - Public Meetings to Discuss $379 million Bill

Ten years on from the devastating wildfires that ravaged parts of Southern California and caused the death of two people, saw 1,300 homes destroyed, and tax payers potentially left covering the costs. Despite three of the fires being caused by SDG&E power lines being blown into... — Updated 12/6/2016


Border Agents - $86k Meth Seized

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Highway 86 checkpoint, arrested a man suspected of smuggling drugs in the rocker panels of his vehicle on Sunday. The arrest occurred at approximately 2:30 p.m., when a... — Updated 12/6/2016


High Wind Causing Dangers

Although the 'High Wind Warning' has been cancelled for the area, it is possible that gusts could strengthen overnight. Problems have been caused in other areas of the county, with two fatalities reported on I-10. Strong winds have been put forward as a possible cause. Three... — Updated 12/3/2016


Dias de los Muertos

Today is Dias de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. The three-day celebration at the beginning of November that honors the deceased originates from Mexico, but the holiday is now observed in Mexican-American communities... — Updated 11/5/2016


Salton Sea - Another Swarm of Quakes

Yet another swarm of earthquakes have struck the area around the southeastern edge of the Salton Sea. Up to 30 temblors have been recorded so far, with five exceeding 3.0 magnitude. So far, most of the earthquakes in this latest... — Updated 11/5/2016


Pumpkins and Paint

The Borrego Springs library put on a spooky display ahead of Halloween, when children were invited Sun Oct. 30 to paint pumpkins. The staff were ghoulish, the kids full of smiles as they had a great time getting creative. Briana... — Updated 11/5/2016

 By Kristine Whitman    News

Nightfall Star Party & Imaging Conference 2016

Palm Canyon Resort hosted the annual astronomy three day event over the weekend from October 27-30. This is a traditional yearly event where astronomers, professors, and enthusiasts bring their telescopes to view the Borrego dark... — Updated 11/5/2016


A New Hope for Lithium

Geothermal plants were a welcome relief to the Salton Sea's unemployed, however have yet to be financially viable. Simbol Materials claimed it had developed groundbreaking technology to extract lithium, and that Tesla Motors were... — Updated 11/3/2016


Border Patrol Recover Lost ATV Rider

Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) agents rescued a man who was lost in the Ocotillo Wells Desert early Monday morning. On Sunday, around 6:30 p.m., a ranger with California Department of Parks and Recreation contacted Border Patrol agents assigned to the Highway 86... — Updated 11/2/2016


State Route 98 Daytime Closures

Caltrans Maintenance crews will close State Route 98 (SR-98) in Imperial County between County Road S-2 (Imperial Highway) and Drew Road Tuesday and Wednesday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day for a pavement preservation project. Detours and traffic alerts are posted. Vehicles... — Updated 11/2/2016


Motorcyclist Fatality - Ocotillo Wells -UPDATE

Gary Schultz, a 56-year-old Poway man who was camping in the desert, suffered fatal injuries crashing his motorcycle on the 6400 block of Split Mountain Road over the weekend. Schultz was riding his dirt bike on a roadway when he lost control, hit a sand berm and was thrown off... — Updated 11/2/2016


Borrego Microgrid in the News

Borrego's Microgrid hit the news recently with a piece by Eric Niiler for Seeker and interview with local resident Sylvana Meeks. What does a Colorado brewery, a California desert town and a New Jersey suburb have in common? They're all using microgrids to become less reliant on... — Updated 11/2/2016


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