Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Important Garden Tour Update

This year's Garden Tour is coinciding with one of the best desert wildflower blooms in many years in the Anza-Borrego Desert. We have eliminated one location, the Vintage RV Village, because its location on Palm Canyon Drive presen... — Updated 3/27/2017


Geotourism - Destination Borrego

Of all the places in the world for tourists to visit, the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (ABDSP) offers unique mountain and desert vistas, culture, and history. On Saturday, March 24, de Anza Country Club hosted the Borrego Valley Stewardship Council’s full-day Interactive P... — Updated 3/25/2017


Duncan Hunter under Criminal Investigation

The Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation of District 50 congressional representative, Republican Duncan Hunter, over campaign violations according to the House Ethics Committee. The committee has set aside its own ethics violation inquiry in light of the... — Updated 3/25/2017


Border Patrol - Two Women Arrested for Meth

Two women were arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents in separate smuggling attempts within an hour from each other Saturday afternoon at the Highway 86 checkpoint. Agents say the first incident happened at 12:30 p.m. when a 33-year-old woman, who is a Mexican national, drove up... — Updated 3/22/2017

 By Michael Sadler    News

Water, Salt and Dust: The Salton Sea Management Plan

After 17 years of drought in the Colorado Basin, the Salton Sea has undergone by reason of decreasing volume 1) increasing water salinity, and 2) increasing acreage surrounding the Sea, called the playa. In the playa, formed as the water level continues to drop, microscopic... — Updated 3/22/2017


Plane Crashes In Anza-Borrego State Park

Borrego was at the heart of its own little mystery over the weekend following a small plane crashing after taking off from the Borrego Springs Airport. Two men apparently walked away uninjured after the small plane in which they were riding crashed en route to Palm Springs. The... — Updated 3/21/2017


State Lawmakers Tour Salton Sea

Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia was one of the hosts of a tour of the Salton Sea area for state lawmakers and representatives of state agencies on Thursday, the same day the state released a 10-year management plan for the sea. The 10-year Salton Sea management plan lays out a... — Updated 3/21/2017


Protecting California Wildlife

My Assembly Bill, AB 1031, will help California’s native wildlife receive care and rehabilitation provided by non-profit organizations throughout the state. My bill allows taxpayers filing their tax returns to voluntarily `check off’ a specified amount to support the Native Cal... — Updated 3/17/2017


Thousands Visit Anza-Borrego State Park for Wildflower Season

California Department of Parks and Recreation encourages visitors exploring state parks during the wildflower season to properly plan and prepare for their trips. Thanks to this year’s rain, many state parks are experiencing wildflower super blooms. This is especially the case a... — Updated 3/17/2017


Update - Archaeology Weekend Rescheduled

Update - Archaeology Weekend Rescheduled Due to coinciding with one of the best desert wildflower blooms in years in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Archaeology Weekend has been rescheduled. With the heavy traffic delays, no parking, and limited facilities due to the “Super B... — Updated 3/17/2017


Sundowner Tonight - Seley Ranch

The most anticipated Sundowner of the season is TONIGHT. Seley ranch will play host, with food provided by Kendall's and music by Izon Eden. 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.... — Updated 3/17/2017


ABF Caterpillar Lecture

ABF Caterpillar Lecture this Friday at 7:30 pm If you’re tired of thinking about WILDFLOWERS, come hear about the little heroes who make them disappear…CATERPILLARS! Join us on Friday, March 17 at 7:30 pm at the Steele Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center for a lecture by... — Updated 3/17/2017


Traffic Alert

The roads are already gridlocked with cars as flower hunters and Circle of Art visitors begin to descend once more. The bad news - Red Ocotillo have no functioning restrooms and no reliable plumber to attend. Food stocks are running low. Horns are blaring. Traffic are ignoring... — Updated 3/17/2017


State Senator at Salton Sea

State Senator Ben Hueso and Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia are hosting a tour of the Salton Sea today March 16, 1:00p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Statewide leaders will visit sites and hear from community members, resource managers, and regulators in order to experience first-hand and deepen t... — Updated 3/16/2017


Friday Farmers Market is ON

The farmers market will be on Christmas Circle as usual before the Circle of Art sets up.... — Updated 3/16/2017

 By Michael Sadler    News

Irwin Pre-Memorial Pickleball Tournament

Don Irwin doesn't play in Pickle Ball tournaments anymore, but the spry 90-year old is still alive (see photos for multiple verification) and playing the game, urging other seniors to take up the rapidly exploding sport. The 2nd... — Updated 3/6/2017


Active Shooter Training

Forces throughout the area joined forces today to run Active Shooter training at the Borrego High School. Borrego Fire Department dealt with volunteer 'victims' and Rangers from Anza-Borrego and Ocotillo Wells State Parks, were... — Updated 2/27/2017


4 x 4 Fun over Presidents Day

People made use of the three day weekend in honor of Presidents Day, by taking to the mountains. A convoy of around forty jeep owners met at Christmas Circle before heading off through town for some 4 x 4 fun.... — Updated 2/27/2017


Sahara Mustard Fight Heats Up

“With the completion of Phase I of a three-phase project seeking a biocontrol agent for Sahara mustard (, the Tubb Canyon Desert Conservancy (TCDC), the University of California, Irvine (UCI), and the Steele/Burnand Desert Research Center have become the g... — Updated 2/22/2017

 By David R. Otis Sr.    News

Sahara Mustard Greens Recipe

1. Sahara Mustard leaves (detached from stems) to fill a one gallon Ziplock bag (14oz) 2. Onion sliced and browned (7 oz) 3. Garlic (unpealed) and grated (2 oz) 4. Carrot (unpealed) and grated (2 oz) 5. Bell pepper sliced (3 oz)... — Updated 2/22/2017


Fire Extinguisher Day - Soon

Make a note in the diary for the upcoming Fire Extinguisher Day.... — Updated 2/22/2017


RRC Fundraiser Tops $14K for Senior Center

It was just another beautiful day in Borrego, this one, ideal for a golf tournament to help raise funds for the Senior Center. Using a combination of entry and chip-in fees, hole sponsors, beverages (including spiked coffee), a... — Updated 2/22/2017


Perfect Precipitation

A little bit more rain fell over Borrego Springs in the last couple of days, which means good news for the flower season. Friday nights Sundowner held at The Mall, managed to stay dry, however the first drops were felt falling as the evening was being packed away. By then, the... — Updated 2/22/2017


Borrego Plans for Library

Three sets of plans have been on show in the library and members of the public were invited to cast their vote. Borrego's new library will also host a new Sheriff's station and sit behind The Mall in what will hopefully be a brand new park. The plans will be viewabe online... — Updated 2/22/2017

 By Kaeli Asche    News

Politics At School

Thurs, Feb. 16 saw people across the nation uniting as one, in support of ‘A Day Without Immigrants’. Even the youth in our community were getting involved. ‘A Day Without Immigrants’ was created to show that immigrants are an important asset to our society. Borrego Springs High s... — Updated 2/22/2017


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