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 By Michael Sadler    News

Troupe Nolander: All in the Family

If you saw Greg and Heather Nolander walking down Palm Canyon Drive with their three daughters, you'd think they were a typical family out to see the sights of Borrego Springs. Inside our library Aug. 25, however, the two youngest... — Updated 9/24/2018


What's Going On With The Library?

CONSTRUCTION crews work in and out of the summer heat to complete the library by January 2019.... — Updated 9/24/2018

 By Michael Sadler    News

Weather Forecast for September

Dateline August 23: If the AccuWeather forecast for the month of September published today on their website is indeed "accurate," then maximum daily temperatures in the Borrego Valley should start to decline mid-month, and the... — Updated 9/24/2018


Geothermal Use Mandated

The in-State generation of power for California consumers from renewable sources currently stands at about 30% (~61 gigawatt-hours - GWH). This includes an approximate 6% contribution from all 43 geothermal sources with about 3GW of total capacity. State Assemblyman Eduardo... — Updated 9/10/2018


Water Bond Particulars Clarified

This November, California residents will have the opportunity to cast a vote in one of the most sweeping water bond initiatives in the State’s history. According to sponsors, “The bond will invest $8.877 billion dollars in California water infrastructure, including key cat... — Updated 9/7/2018


BWD Sends Letter to Board of Supervisors on Rudyville

The Borrego Water District, via a July 18 letter under the signature of BWD Board President Beth Hart, sent the County Board of Supervisors a request for consideration of Borrego’s water-related issues at the Sept. 12 public hearing. The BWD letter includes the following paragraph... — Updated 9/7/2018


BWD Directors Set

Two seats on the Borrego Water District Board of Directors have unanimously been filled, after one candidate dropped out. The two seats open are to replace directors Beth Hart and Joe Tatusko, plus another seat currently filled by board VP Lyle Brecht, who sought re-election. The... — Updated 9/6/2018


Mongolia – Memories – Motorcycles

The bus rocked and rolled and jiggled its passengers out of their seats as it made its way across the Gobi Desert in Mongolia following a seemingly nonexistent road for 50 miles. Aboard were the three Borregans, two Australians... — Updated 8/22/2018


Borrego Water District Directors' Race Set

With Beth Hart and Joe Tatusko retiring from the Borrego Water District (BWD) Board of Directors, and current Board Vice President Lyle Brecht seeking a third term, the November election will bring two Borregans for voter... — Updated 8/21/2018

 By Michael Sadler    News


On Tuesday July 24, weather station KCABORRE-19 recorded a daytime high temperature of 123.3F at 2:44 p.m. The #19 station is located just below the eastern end of the Park and north of Palm Canyon Drive. Wherever you were in Borrego that day, you probably remember that one.... — Updated 8/21/2018


Rudyville Showdown Set for September

The final vote on Rudyville’s request for increased zoning density on 170 acres of pristine desert habitat will take place Wednesday Sept. 12 at a hearing before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The hearing will be held at the County Administration Center at 1600 P... — Updated 8/21/2018

 By Michael Sadler    News

Dodging a Weather Bullet Waiting for the Dog Years of August

Around 2 p.m. Thursday July 12, there were mild thunderclaps off to the southwest above the San Jacinto Mts., but there was also a lot of cloud cover over the desert and mountains, so neither a thunderhead nor any lightning... — Updated 8/13/2018

 By Michael Sadler    News

The Bugs are Back

If your pool/spa plaster is painted with a dark color – black or blue – or you drive a dark colored car, the Water Boatman bugs have probably left their mark already. It's not on par with the "irruption" last year, but the yea... — Updated 8/13/2018


Mongolia Martha

By Martha Deichler School Community Liaison, BSUSD "Going to Mongolia has definitely changed my perspective on life. If more people were given the opportunity to travel, world peace would not be a problem. I am so grateful to have... — Updated 8/13/2018

 By Michael Sadler    News

VIEWPOINT: Mindfulness: It's All About Choice

I was in my early-50’s when I came to the inescapable realization, genetically based, that there were more years behind me than ahead. Way more. I didn’t have much of a choice on that, so I had to retire from a very physical occupation as a general building contractor. I beg... — Updated 8/13/2018


Mindfulness Training

Always something new here in Borrego, and Tia Robinson, a former teacher and resident of Borrego Springs, will be teaching her Transformational Mindfulness course May 9 through June 29 in the library Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. “This will be a pilot c... — Updated 8/13/2018


Borrego Water District Directors' Race Set

With Beth Hart and Joe Tatusko retiring from the Borrego Water District (BWD) Board of Directors, and current Board Vice President Lyle Brecht seeking a third term, the November election will bring two Borregans for voter consideration – Dave Duncan and Kathy Dice. We asked e... — Updated 8/13/2018


SDG&E Seeks to Install More Than 300 New Electric Vehicles

Some of the most frequented community facilities and destinations in the San Diego region, such as schools, parks, and beaches, would gain a new amenity – electric vehicle (EV) charging stations – under a program proposed by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to help reduce ran... — Updated 8/10/2018


Summer Ice Cream Social

There was no fudge. Other than that, there was plenty of ice cream and toppings, face painting, and raffle prizes for the kids to make up for it. The August ice cream social, hosted by La Casa del Zorro Saturday July 28, brought dozens of excited kids and doting parents... — Updated 8/10/2018


Borregan Man Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge

In a recent guilty plea stemming from a Feb. 3 incident involving an attempt on the lives of three British citizens here in Borrego, local resident Alan M. Smith of Country Club Road will face sentencing on Aug. 16 in San Diego. Smith, currently out on bond, was originally... — Updated 8/7/2018


Volunteer of the Year: JoAnn Maiter

Volunteerism in Borrego Springs is at the very heart of our community. People, ordinary people with extraordinary energy and commitment selflessly devote their time to serving the needs of others, and for the most part they go unrecognized in the community at large. But once a... — Updated 8/7/2018


Borrego Springs Named One of the Most Scenic West Coast Destinations in America by Expedia

Borrego Springs has been selected by Expedia as one of the most scenic West Coast destinations in America! Scenic destinations can vary by offering different appeal such as sprawling coastlines, ample forests, sky-high mountains and much more. released its most scenic... — Updated 8/7/2018


Sheep Water Quality

This summer’s water quality testing during the annual Bighorn Sheep Count in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park showed that levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) paralleled the fall-winter rainfall amounts in 2011-12, 2016-17, and 2017-18. The report, written by hydrogeologist a... — Updated 8/7/2018


Chamber Promotes Commerce

In reply to “What is that Stench at the Chamber?” headline in the last issue of the Borrego Sun, to the other Letters to the Editor and articles in the Sun, Facebook posts and comments, emails, voice messages, phone calls, and in person comments, please be assured, I have hea... — Updated 8/7/2018


Kathy King Named to 2018 REAL Trends America's Best Real Estate Professionals

Kathy King of Coldwell Banker Borrego was named one of America’s most productive sales associates as a part of REAL Trends America’s Best Real Estate Professionals, the newly issued ranking report produced by REAL Trends and sponsored by Adwerx. She is now a member of the “Am... — Updated 8/7/2018


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