Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Desmond Returns To Borrego

He’s coming in December. No, not the man in the red suit who determines who’s been naughty or nice – he comes later in the month – but rather San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond in a suit and tie, and his contingent of staffers and County officials, all here to... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Better Late Than Never: Three Half-Sisters Unite in Borrego

It's a rather touching although complicated tale, best appreciated when considering the time it took to unlock the tri-fold secrets, the cross-country distances involved, and efforts expended to unite three half-sisters who, until... — Updated 1/23/2020


Viewpoint: Let's Talk Water

By the time you read this, the Stipulation Agreement (AKA Stipulation Judgment) will have been released to the public. We are told by the Borrego Water District (BWD) that it is very good news that we have agreement amongst the major pumpers, including BWD, about how to bring our... — Updated 1/23/2020


Clint Brandin Steers Chamber Into Black

Clint Brandin was unanimously elected as Chamber president in October after Patrick Sampson resigned. He has been on the board for a about a year. He presided during the hectic time leading up to and including Borrego Days, and he... — Updated 1/23/2020


Mercy Air Discountinues AirEvac Program

Mercy Air has discontinued its individual and municipal membership programs. Mercy Air retrospectively informed the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund (BVEF) that its municipal membership policy would not be renewed during 2019. That policy protected residents from the deductible and... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Dianne Owen    News

Birds and Blooms Open For Business

The Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association celebrated the grand opening of their newly established Birds and Blooms Garden Shop Nov. 16 with a ribbon cutting ceremony and a special sale for those in attendance. Betsy... — Updated 1/23/2020


Bighorn Sheep Traveling Road Show

They don't migrate, but Anza-Borrego's magnificent bighorn sheep do move around and have been putting on quite a show to residents and visitors. And it's not just a random thing. Like any wild animal, bighorn sheep move around to... — Updated 1/23/2020


Borrego Hit with Rain

It only seems like a lifetime ago we had measurable rain in Borrego. Yes, we live in a desert, and we get only six-inches per year on long-term average. Yet, we've had practically nothing, zip, nada so far this season. Except,... — Updated 1/23/2020


A New Look, Location for the Anza-Borrego Foundation

With the support and generous collaboration of volunteers, local contractors and our landlord, our operations staff will move to suite 122 in The Mall, next to Kendall's, and be open for business the first week of December. This... — Updated 1/23/2020


Font's Point

Few people would disagree that Font's Point is one of Anza-Borrego's iconic locations. Visitors to Borrego Springs who ask, "where's the best place to go to see the desert," are usually sent there. The spectacular overlook offers... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Akrofest Back in Town

The skies were clear and the sun shone bright on just another beautiful day for stunt flying in Borrego. The International Aerobatic Club's Akrofest, hosted by Chapter 36's Paul Miko, had Borregans' eyes to the skies during their... — Updated 10/30/2019


Supervisor Jim Desmond, Grand Marshal

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond will be riding in the parade of this year's Borrego Days Desert Festival, his first as our Grand Marshal. As Grand Marshal, he'll be "honoring the contributions of Bill Wright to... — Updated 10/30/2019


Ladder-Backed Woodpecker

Anyone with sand in their shoes from wandering about the desert will tell you there are some unique plants and animals only found here. Ocotillo and cactus, native palms, sidewinder rattlesnakes, bighorn sheep, various lizards and... — Updated 10/18/2019


Bill Wright Passes

It is with great sadness to be informed of the recent passing of Bill Wright. Wright, the champion of all things good in Borrego Springs, passed away peacefully Oct. 1 at the age of 88.... — Updated 10/17/2019

 By Michael Sadler    News

GSP Advisory Committee Recommends GSP Adoption

In a landmark meeting at the library on Oct. 4, members of the Borrego Springs Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Advisory Committee expressed their individual opinion as to whether or not to adopt the GSP as the framework... — Updated 10/17/2019


Volunteer of the Year: Judy Coyle

She is an avid tap dancer and facilitates the Ballet & Tap class at the Borrego Springs Performing Arts Center, also serving on the Board of Directors, helping to bring a rich assortment of music, drama, and comedy to Borregans... — Updated 10/17/2019


Lifetime Achievement Award: Sylvana Meeks

The Chamber of Commerce announced the recipient of the Borrego Springs 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award, and it will be presented to Sylvana Meeks at Christmas Circle following the Borrego Days Parade on Oct. 19. Meeks, co-owner of... — Updated 10/17/2019

 By Michael Sadler    News

GSP Part 2: Land Fallowing

There are six "Projects and Management Action Items" identified in the Draft Final Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) made public on Aug. 30. The ultimate goal of the GSP is to serve as a successful framework/planning document f... — Updated 10/17/2019


TOT UP 33%

The numbers for FY 2018 – 19 are in from the County treasurer-tax collector on Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue. Not only did the latest revenue from all over the County (from hotels and motels, resorts, camping fees in the P... — Updated 10/17/2019


Festival in Countdown Mode

Fifty-four years and counting, still going strong, the Borrego Springs seasonal opening event is a "don't miss" fun-fest. Far from your average hometown parade, prepare to be wowed as the 54th Annual Borrego Days Desert Festival... — Updated 10/17/2019


Akrofest 2019 Returns to Borrego Skies

Mark your calendars for Oct. 10 – 12, the weekend before the 54th Annual Borrego Days Parade & Festival for the Hammerhead Roundup, a.k.a Akrofest 2019. Chapter 36 of the International Aerobatic Club (IAC-36) is heading up the a... — Updated 10/17/2019

 By Michael Sadler    News

Hideout Reopens

If it rained, the bar closed. That's because it was then purely a biker bar, and bikers either alone or en mass don't ride for recreation in the rain. And the place was not open on the weekend. In mid-September, however, Josie's... — Updated 10/3/2019


LCDZ Unaffected

San Diego’s Cohn Restaurant Group issued a press release Tuesday Sept. 24 re: the Patio Group of Restaurants, which were operated by Gina Champion Cain, accused of defrauding investors out of $300 million. They confirmed that La Casa del Zorro will continue to be operated by P... — Updated 10/3/2019


BSR Golf Course: CLOSED

In a surprise announcement on Friday Sept. 20, the golf course at the Borrego Springs Resort will not reopen for the 2019 – 20 season; the closure has also affected golf course operations at the Resort-owned Club Circle East. All Resort golf club staff and maintenance personnel w... — Updated 10/3/2019


54th Borrego Days Desert Festival

Rotary Club-Sponsored breakfast held at Coldwell Banker Friday Oct. 18, 6:30 a.m. Parade Staging/Roads Begin Closing: Approximately 7 a.m. Saturday Oct. 19 Roads Officially Close/Hard Close: 9:30 a.m. Be within the parking perimeter by 9:15 a.m. (Confirmation in the Oct. 3 issue... — Updated 10/3/2019


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