Borrego Sun - Since 1949


Sorted by date  Results 1651 - 1675 of 4659

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Lenticular Clouds

This is an excerpt from "A Natural History of the Anza-Borrego Region, Then & Now," by Mike Wells and Marie Simovich, Sunbelt Press Lenticular clouds are frequently seen over desert mountain ranges. They are lens-shaped and differ... — Updated 1/31/2020


Viewpoint: Thoughts on the Proposed Watermaster Board

The proposed Stipulation Judgment and associated documents will be our water plan (Plan) to make our water use sustainable by 2040 in accordance with state law. In general, carrying out the Plan for our water use will be managed by a Watermaster Board, although unresolved... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

"Ely Orphanz" Unite in Borrego

Meeting Diana Fox, Anna Marie Leonard, and Brandi Harris at the Sundowner on Nov. 15 was a "union" of three siblings, self-dubbed the "Ely Orphanz" (pronounced Ee-lee), who had never met all together before coming for a visit to... — Updated 1/23/2020


Our Library, One Year Later

It began as a dream for a new Library for the little town of Borrego Springs from Bill and Jenny Wright. That dream was morphed into a handshake agreement over lunch at La Casa Del Zorro in February 2006 between Bill Wright and... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Viewpoint: A Good Framework for Sustainability

The recently circulated draft Stipulated Judgment and its accompanying Groundwater Management Plan (called the “physical solution”), have passed their first major milestone, a 30-day public comment period. A lot has happened since the USGS published its hydrogeology report in 201... — Updated 1/23/2020


Sponsor Group Visualizes Future Look

Architect Richard Orne has a firm grasp on what the streets, sidewalks, and landscaping in Borrego Springs should look like, and his slide presentation wowed the Community Sponsor Group and attendees at the monthly meeting in the Library Community Room Dec. 5. Modifications to... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

GMP To Be Released

A draft “Stipulated Judgment” 10 months in the making, with an attached Groundwater Management Plan (GMP) that replaces the GSP, will soon be released for a 30-day public review and comment period before being finalized by the Borrego Water District and other Basin Pumpers. The... — Updated 1/23/2020


Christmas Bird Count

It’s an annual migration as predictable as the swallows returning to Capistrano. This migration, however, is the arrival each year of volunteers engaged the annual census of bird species in Borrego Springs. This marked the 35 y... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

RoadRunner Donates Funds to Senior Center

The Annual RoadRunner Christmas Boutique at the clubhouse was in full swing Saturday morning Dec. 7, with shoppers evaluating and purchasing a wide variety of hand-crafted items. "All of the Borrego merchants, vendors, the Wright... — Updated 1/23/2020


New Book: A Natural History of the Anza-Borrego Region

There will be a book signing at the Borrego Springs Library on Dec. 14, 4 p.m. to introduce a new book, A Natural History of the Anza-Borrego Region by Mike Wells and Marie Simovich. The book is the result of a class co-taught by the authors at the University of San Diego from... — Updated 1/23/2020


Winter Time, Rain, Super Bloom Hope?

Rising in the mornings of Nov. 28 – 29 to see snow on the peaks of our mountain triad – the Santa Rosa's and Toro Peak to the north, the San Jacinto's to the west, and the Valecito's to the south – it was a gorgeous sight to behol... — Updated 1/23/2020


Supervisor Jim Desmond Tracks Progress on Revitalization

If only you had a simple mobile phone App connecting you directly to the powers that be in San Diego County so you can report a problem, and not have to wait weeks, or months, or perhaps forever if you finally give up trying.... — Updated 1/23/2020


Celebrating 10 Years

Night. The absence of sunlight. It takes up about half of our 24-hour day, and hence half of our lives. Not only great a time for viewing the wonders of Borrego skies, designated 10 years ago as one of only two International Dark... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Water Agreement On Tap

The long-awaited agreement among major pumpers in the Borrego Sub-basin to reduce groundwater extraction over the next 20 years by about 75% was released in draft form on Nov. 20. The Stipulated Judgment and the accompanying “physical solution,” in the form of a newly re-... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Denny DuVall    News

Old Borego Open House

On Nov. 10, the Borrego Springs Civic Foundation sponsored an open house of the Old Borego Store and residence. The original buildings were built by Eslie Wynn in the late 20's, and the property was purchased by Ed and Glen DuVall... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Arrival of Pop Modern in Borrego

For home décor shoppers who harken back to the 50's, 60's, and even 70's for inspiration, there's a new interior design store in Borrego that may suit your needs. "Dazzles" at The Mall carries an exclusive Pop Modern inventory... — Updated 1/23/2020


Day of the Dead – A Time of Celebration

Altars were colorfully decorated with paper flowers, tissue paper squares (papel delicado representing the fragility of life) blew delicately in the light breeze, candles glowed warmly, freshly cooked tamales filled the air with a... — Updated 1/23/2020


Halloween at The Mall

The Borrego tradition of kids and adults dressing up in wild and innovative costumes was alive and well on Halloween at The Mall. At The Mall, there was definitely a lack of Samhainophobia (fear of Halloween). Smiles were bright... — Updated 1/23/2020


Rams Hill Launches For New Season

After what seemed like a long summer hiatus, the Rams Hill Golf Club is open once again, ready to start another season. Their buffet and dance party kicked off their season in style, with over 100 guests in attendance at the Nov.... — Updated 1/23/2020


De Anza Opens Big, Will Host BSR Golf Tournaments

Two nights of fine dining split by the De Anza opening day golf tournament gave members the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with new facilities and old friends. The opening soiree on Nov. 1 pulled in over 200 members and guests, “a magical night,” General Manager Ramien Sha... — Updated 1/23/2020


Rest in Peace Mirage Cab

While learning to drive, a teenager in Borrego Springs made a simple mistake, causing damage to a taxi. At around 5:25 p.m. on Oct. 27, as the teen was making a turn, she panicked and quickly pressed on the gas pedal instead of... — Updated 1/23/2020


Small Fire Burns 1/4 Acres

After what was supposed to be just a relaxing time around a little campfire, turned slightly disastrous after it had gotten away, causing a much larger fire. At around 10 a.m. Sunday Oct. 27, the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District responded to a fire on Glorietta Canyon... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

Marines Celebrate 244th Birthday at Rams Hill

U.S. Marines are all about tradition. From their inception in 1775 up until today, Nov. 10, 2019, they have gathered and proudly remembered for 244 years. This year's event was held at Rams Hill, and after folks had time to chat... — Updated 1/23/2020


Veterans Day at the Circle

A squadron of black World War II pilots, who later came to be known as the Tuskegee Airmen, discriminated against both while fighting Germans and after the war, received their due recognition at the Veterans Day service at... — Updated 1/23/2020

 By Michael Sadler    News

6-12-24 Hour Time Trials

Whether for 6, 12, or 24 hours, cyclists from around the country and the world gave it their all riding on $10,000+ bikes, ranging in age from 20 to over 70 years old while participating in the Race Across America's 6 – 12 – 24... — Updated 1/23/2020


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