Sorted by date Results 1576 - 1600 of 4659
Beaches Reopen with Restrictions
San Diego County public health leaders modified the Public Health Order to include limited access to the ocean and mandating facial coverings throughout San Diego County. Limited access to the ocean will go in effect sunrise on April 27. "To be clear our public health order... — Updated 4/27/2020
UPDATE: Borrego Case
On April 3, it was reported by the San Diego County that Borrego Springs had contracted its first case of COVID-19. The person reported with the case traveled from Mexico to Borrego to quarantine, despite knowing they had the virus. The person has been identified and has been in... — Updated 4/27/2020
Governor Issues Statewide Exec. Order
Governor Gavin Newsom signed a state-wide executive order that allows two weeks of supplemental paid sick leave for food service workers. This goes for fast food, delivery, grocery store, farm workers and others in the food industry that have been affected by COVID-19 – e... — Updated 4/27/2020
A Tale of Three Families
Alicia and Carlos (not real names) have to choose between paying for Internet service or paying the rent on the home they share with their three children. She lost her job at a local resort and he had his grounds keeping hours reduced. Their money, including savings, is... — Updated 4/27/2020
Weather or Not in Borrego
Rain in April?! And snow on Toro Peak? It’s like the wet season has migrated forward a couple of months. First it was a barely measurable 0.03 inches of rain in January, followed by a semi-measurable but still paltry 0.21 inches in February. So it was no great surprise that our w... — Updated 4/27/2020
Point of View: Decisions of Consequence
He lay on a gurney with his type & cross-matched blood flowing quickly through an 8-gauge “buffalo” needle; my two-man team, (including a stretcher-bearer) had just completed a femoral cutdown, providing a smooth, straight run up towards his heart. The conveyance had the ass... — Updated 4/27/2020
WaterMaster Board Holds First Meeting
Despite the pandemic shutting down businesses and in-person public meetings throughout Borrego Springs, the newly formed WaterMaster Board (WMB) soldiered on and held its first meeting on March 31 online to maintain social distancing. It was a marathon, lasting over three hours,... — Updated 4/20/2020
Picnic in Borrego, Virus Style
Local Borregans abiding by the six-foot distancing rule with a nice picnic out at Clark's Dry Lake.... — Updated 4/20/2020
The Mask Makers of Borrego Springs
There's a new posse in town. More than a dozen ladies from the RoadRunner formed up last week for noble purposes related to the Covid-19 pandemic – making masks. "It's about the satisfaction, that we're doing something for the c... — Updated 4/20/2020
Borrego Listed with Case of COVID-19
In the latest report by the San Diego County, Borrego Springs has been listed with its first case. It is unclear if the virus was contracted by community spread. More information to follow. Source: https://www.s... — Updated 4/15/2020
Galleta Meadows Closed
Galleta Meadows, the land and the artwork are closed to the public until further notice, according to a statement put out by the Under the Sun Foundation. "All land and artwork in Galleta Meadows are now closed to the public until... — Updated 4/15/2020
How to Shop in Borrego
Folks in Borrego should continue to follow all orders and restrictions, especially when shopping at our local markets.... — Updated 4/15/2020
Christmas Circle, More Closures
The United States is starting to see more closures and adjustments aimed at stopping the spread of the coronavirus. From major theme parks to postponements of sporting events, all have been affected. Popular landmarks and... — Updated 4/15/2020
California Climate Credit to Offset April Bills
SDG&E residential customers who have natural gas service will see a $21.11 California Climate Credit on their April bill. The credit will be automatically added to customers’ monthly statements with no action needed, and comes at an ideal time when many are staying home due to t... — Updated 4/13/2020
Follow Stay-At-Home Orders, Citations
The San Diego County Sheriff's Department has informed all that they will conduct targeted social distancing enforcement beginning April 3. Sheriff Gore said anyone who was found to violate the orders in effect would face up to a $1,000 fine or up to 6 months in jail. He said... — Updated 4/10/2020
Task Force Letter to Borregans
Dear Fellow Residents, The new coronavirus has brought more than its share of challenges to Borrego Springs. Leaders of our County and Borrego Springs have been trying to anticipate what actions we can take to slow the spread of the virus and to prepare our community to weather... — Updated 4/10/2020
Weather or Not in Borrego
Look for a warming trend over the next 10 days. That's 80-degrees plus, after a month of temperatures in the 60's and 70's. The forecast also projects a humidity range between about (25 – 30%), the tipping point where most swamp c... — Updated 4/10/2020
Stores to Limit Shoppers
Several stores in the San Diego County have updated their hours and limited the number of people in its stores this week. Many have added hours for those 60 and older or those needing extra assistance while shopping, and even closing early. Costco will allow no more than two... — Updated 4/4/2020
Fudge Factory Closes, Back in October
In a difficult decision, Bonny Bosworth has decided to close the Bighorn Fudge Factory for the remainder of the season. This decision, Bosworth said is "the hardest, yet smartest decision we can about our business," after one known case of the Coronavirus was reported on April 3.... — Updated 4/4/2020
4.9-Magnitude Earthquake
Did you feel it? A 4.9-magnitude earthquake shook Borrego Springs April 3, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake occurred at around 6:53 p.m., 18 miles northwest of Borrego Springs, 11 miles southeast of Anza, 18 miles southwest of Palm Desert, 23 miles southwest of... — Updated 4/4/2020
Christmas Circle Closed
As of April 1, 2020 and until further notice Christmas Circle will be closed to the general public, visitors and Borrego Springs residents. Sorry for the inconvenience, however this is for the safety of our community. Jim Wilson... — Updated 4/3/2020
BWD Suspends Water Cutoffs, Late Payments
It was a scene that will be repeated in the months ahead when it comes to getting information out to the public while maintaining the ultimate in social distancing. The Borrego Water District held its monthly Board meeting online, with Directors and staff separated by home and... — Updated 4/3/2020
State Parks Closed
California State Parks announced on March 30 that it is temporarily closing vehicle access at all 280 state parks to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). During this pandemic disease, every person has a role to play in slowing down the spread of COVID-19. Protecting... — Updated 4/3/2020
Remembering Bill Wright
A celebration of life was held for Bill Wright Wednesday Feb. 12, who passed away on Oct. 1 at the age of 88. His friends and family gathered for the private memorial at the club-house in the RoadRunner Club. Former San Diego... — Updated 3/5/2020
Dollar General Hoopla
A surprise came during the discussion of the possible future of Dollar General’s proposed outlet in Borrego during the Sponsor Group Meeting, held Feb. 6. The County’s Advance Planning Department, within the Department of Planning Services (PDS), sent rep Josh Smidwell to Bor... — Updated 3/5/2020