Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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 By Dennis Mammana    News

The Return of Jupiter

Anyone stepping outdoors at dusk this week will have a hard time missing the brilliant planet Venus glistening low in the western sky. It'll appear there for a few more months and, believe it or not, will become more than twice as... — Updated 9/2/2021

 By Michael Sadler    News

Weather or Not in Borrego: Rain!

Local folks who were up late on the night of Aug. 10 were treated to what has become a rare atmospheric phenomenon in and around Borrego during August – rain! Well, only a quarter-inch over three hours, but that’s something, right? Seems like we wait and wait and wait, but the rai... — Updated 9/2/2021

 By Nikki Symington    News

SVP Wakefield Protestation

The Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce, along with the De Anza Club management and members took leadership in organizing the community to protest the housing of Merle G. Wakefield, under the supervision of Liberty/CONREP. They... — Updated 9/2/2021


SVP Wakefield Placement Postponed

District Attorney Summer Stephan's office just informed me that the placement of SVP Wakefield has been postponed. They are now requesting SVP WAKEFIELD continue in-patient treatment for a period of at least six months at the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) Coalinga. "As of... — Updated 9/2/2021

 By Dennis Mammana    News

The Perseids Are Coming!

I always enjoy August. For one thing, I can finally see an end to the searing desert heat where I live. For another, the Milky Way appears stunning in the night sky. But my favorite reason for enjoying August is that I get to... — Updated 9/2/2021


BVEF Names Board Fellow

The Borrego Valley Endowment Fund (BVEF) has named Karen Garcia as its first Board Fellow. In 2021 the BVEF created a new category of Board membership – Board Fellow – to encourage the participation of young and diverse mem... — Updated 9/2/2021


SDG&E Bill Credit for Customers

This August and September, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) residential customers will see their electricity bills reduced by $34.60 each month – or a total of about $69.20 over two months, thanks to the California Climate Credit program designed to fight climate change. The c... — Updated 8/23/2021


Water for Bighorn Sheep

In the middle of a hot and very dry summer, three agencies came together in the scorching mountains between San Diego and Palm Springs to provide water to the endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep population. It was 102 degrees when... — Updated 7/28/2021

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Nature Watch: Do Snakes Drink?

The heat was oppressive as I headed into the house, but movement in the garden caught my eye. I stopped and watched as a beautiful California kingsnake slowly emerged, moving toward our garden fountain. To my surprise, it lifted... — Updated 7/26/2021


ABF Transfer of Acres

The Anza-Borrego Foundation is celebrating the transfer of 17,597 acres to Anza-Borrego State Park, likely the single largest transfer of land from a cooperating association to a state park in the history of California State Parks... — Updated 7/26/2021

 By Dennis Mammana    News

Finding the Stellar Coat Hanger

With the hottest time of year now approaching us in the Earth's Northern Hemisphere, it's hard to imagine that cooler days will ever arrive. This is especially true, here, in the Desert Southwest, where I've been sweltering under... — Updated 7/26/2021


RealTrends + Tom Ferry Announce 2021 America's Best Real Estate Professionals List

Kathy King of Coldwell Banker Borrego was named one of America’s most productive sales associates as a part of RealTrends + Tom Ferry America’s Best Real Estate Professionals, a ranking report produced by RealTrends and Tom Ferry International. She is now a member of the “Am... — Updated 7/19/2021

 By Michael Sadler    News

RAAM, RAW: It's About the Climbs

It is called the world's toughest cycling race because, at once, it is logistically difficult for riders and crew, physically exhausting for the riders, and mentally challenging for all. This year's 3,037-mile Race Across America... — Updated 7/19/2021

 By Geoff Poole    News

State Declares Drought & Extension of Shut Off Ban

On June 8, the State of California issued a notice to the Borrego Water District on two issues, the first is: Prepare for Drought Impacts Statewide. With California experiencing its second consecutive dry year, and due to the effects of climate change, we are all reminded that dro... — Updated 7/16/2021

 By Nikki Symington    News

HEAT: Plant Die-off

Hello Borrego Springs. This is a wake-up call. Living in Borrego and the amazing Sonoran Desert that surrounds the community, you probably thought the desert was heat tolerant and immune to Global Warming. Hey, it’s already a desert, how bad can it get? Well, according to a n... — Updated 7/16/2021


COVID-19 Task Force Discontinues Operations

The Borrego Springs COVID-19 Task Force and Resource Center has discontinued operations, effective June 30. “COVID-19 is not over. However, the COVID-19 Task Force feels it is time to close down our activities, at least until it becomes clear whether a renewed surge is likely i... — Updated 7/16/2021

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Summer Escape From Borrego Heat

Many Borrego residents leave the heat of the desert in the hottest months, but for those who don't there are still nearby places to enjoy the great outdoors and bask in far more comfortable temperatures. A group of locals did just... — Updated 7/16/2021


Children's Center Management

The Borrego Springs Children’s Center is now under new management. As of July 1, they will be operated by the Borrego Springs Youth and Seniors Center. The Borrego Community Health Foundation underwent major changes, including the transfer of operational management of the C... — Updated 7/13/2021

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Sheep Count Cancelled

While the death of a volunteer bighorn sheep counter on June 19 was tragic, the event has forced cancellation of the 50th annual bighorn sheep count and prompted state park officials to close several popular hiking destinations to all entry. The San Diego County Coroner has identi... — Updated 7/13/2021


California Law Attorney: For Love or Money: What To Do If You Suspect Undue Influence by a Caregiving Sibling

While questioning a sibling’s motivation in volunteering to care for a sick or aging parent may feel harsh, this is, unfortunately, justified in countless situations. We’ve seen far too many cases where people have discovered that their on-scene sibling has taken complete control... — Updated 7/13/2021

 By Dennis Mammana    News

Spotting Mercury at Dawn

It's amazing how things from our childhood can stick with us throughout our lives. I was in fourth grade when I learned that Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun and that it orbits only 36 million miles from our star's... — Updated 7/13/2021

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Nature Watch: Flash Floods

Any day now, summer skies in Borrego will fill with billowing thunderheads as monsoon storms push up from the Gulf of California. It's a dramatic change for the blank, blue sky of summer. The rolling thunder, nighttime light shows,... — Updated 7/13/2021

 By Ernie Cowan    News

Effort to Ban Mylar Balloons

You don't have to spend much time wandering around the desert to know that it has become a dumping ground for mylar balloons dropping from the sky. It's one of those things that everyone knows is a problem, but until now, no one... — Updated 7/13/2021


SDG&E Outage: MicroGrid

On June 23, Borrego Springs were subject to an unplanned power outage, where power was out for an estimated four hours. The transition to the microgrid was not, as Borregans discovered, an immediate thing. “The microgrid is not designed to automatically kick in when there is a p... — Updated 7/6/2021


BWD Public Hearing Planned

In conformance with Proposition 218 requirements , the Borrego Water District (the “District”) will conduct a public hearing on July 27, at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable, on a proposed rate adjustment and increase for its water and wastewater service charges for... — Updated 7/6/2021


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