Borrego Sun - Since 1949


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Task Force Town Hall

The Borrego Springs COVID-19 Task Force will host a community Town Hall Webinar on Zoom Thursday Dec. 10, at 4:30 p.m. San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond will lead off with opening remarks. Leaders of key sectors of Borrego Springs – business, education, health c... — Updated 12/2/2020


SDCWA Meeting: Borrego Community Forum

Sustaining San Diego County's Water Future: Borrego Community Forum Mark your calendars for a virtual event/meeting regarding the proposed regional conveyance system, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursday Nov. 5. - Learn about route... — Updated 11/3/2020


Sponsor Group Meeting

The Borrego Springs Community Sponsor Group meeting will be June 4, at 4:30 p.m. Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be on Zoom. The website is Or you can call in at 1-669-900-6833 and the meeting ID is 85960595191. The action items include:... — Updated 6/25/2020


Sponsor Group: Updated Zoning Changes in the Works

Borrego Water District Board President Kathy Dice began the Sponsor Group meeting on Feb. 6 by reading a letter to the SG members, with a copy to the County Planning Services Division (PDS). The letter is ultimately intended for... — Updated 2/25/2020


Borrego Days Planning Meeting

Don’t miss the first Borrego Days Planning Meeting of 2020! Attend the meeting held Tuesday Jan. 28, 4 p.m. in the Chamber’s conference room in teh Borrego Springs Welcome Center on Palm Canyon Drive. Bring your ideas and comments to help make this year’s Festival another succe... — Updated 1/23/2020


Borrego Springs Sponsor Group

There is a critical meeting of the Sponsor Group on Thursday Oct. 3, 4: 30 p.m. in the Library Community Room, and Borregans are urged to attend. For questions, please email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 10/3/2019


Special Sponsor Group Meeting

Don’t miss the Special Sponsor Group Meeting Thursday Sept. 12, 4:30 p.m. in the library community room. They will be taking the final vote on the draft GSP that is out and has had revisions based on public comments. This is separate from any changes to the GSP that may be made I... — Updated 9/4/2019


Borrego Days Planning Meeting

Attend the next Borrego Days Planning Meeting, Monday Sept. 9, 4 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room. Can’t make it? You can attend of the following, all at 4 p.m. – Sept. 16, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Oct. 14 and Oct. 17 (if necessary). Don’t miss out, and get your voice heard... — Updated 9/4/2019


Borrego Days Planning Meeting

Don’t miss the next Borrego Days Planning Meeting 4 p.m. Monday July 8 in the Chamber’s conference room in the Borrego Springs Welcome Center on Palm Canyon Drive. Bring your ideas and comments to make the next Festival a great one. While you’re there, sign up to be a volun... — Updated 7/1/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the next Borrego Springs Sponsor Group Meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday July 4, held in the library meeting room. For more information, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 6/21/2019



Special Borrego Springs Sponsor Group Meeting on June 13 instead – it was a matter of having enough votes to act on a Verizon Wireless Fire Station Upgrade, which is an action item coming up. Meeting was previously scheduled for June 6. Location to remain the same: Library C... — Updated 6/3/2019


Borrego Days Meeting

Don't miss the next Borrego Days meeting 4 p.m. Monday June 3 in the Chamber's conference room in the Borrego Springs Welcome Center on Palm Canyon Drive. Bring your ideas and comments, help make the next Festival a great one. You could even sign up to be a volunteer on one or... — Updated 6/3/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the next Sponsor Group Meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday May 2, held in the library community room. For more information, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 5/1/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the next Sponsor Group Meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday April 4, held in the library community room. For more information, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 4/3/2019


BSUSD Board Meeting

Attend the next Borrego Springs Unified School District board meeting Wednesday April 10, 5 p.m. in the high school community room. Be updated and informed about is going on with our schools. For more information, contact the high school office at 760-767-5335.... — Updated 4/3/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the next Sponsor Group Meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday April 4, held in the library community room. For more information, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 3/25/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the sponsor group meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday March 7 held at the new library. For questions, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 3/5/2019


BWD 2019 Town Hall

Don’t miss the Borrego Water District 2019 Town Hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday Feb. 28, held at the Borrego Springs Library Community Room. For more information, contact the BWD at 760-767-5806.... — Updated 2/26/2019


Chamber Board Meeting

The Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors met for their monthly meeting Jan. 15. Debbie Woollet presented the secretary’s report, and reviewed the Dec. 18 meeting minutes. Members of the board added a few comments regarding the village guides, and who will p... — Updated 1/24/2019


Sponsor Group Re-Elects Members

The Borrego Springs Sponsor Group met Jan. 2 for the first time this year, and atop the agenda was re-nominating current members Rebecca Falk, David Farley, and Linda Haddock. All three were re-nominated and re-elected. On the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), Jim Bennett,... — Updated 1/9/2019


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the sponsor group meeting 4:30 p.m. Thursday Jan. 3 held at the new library. The public is welcome. For questions, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 12/29/2018


Sponsor Group Meeting

Attend the sponsor group meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday Dec. 6 at the library. The public is welcome to attend. For questions, email Rebecca Falk at — Updated 12/3/2018


Community Water Meeting

Your input about water use in Borrego is needed! Attend the community meeting Thursday Nov. 15 in the Borrego Springs High School Community Room from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m, in English and Spanish translation. Refreshments will be served. For more information about the Groundwater... — Updated 11/14/2018


SDG&E Programs & Rate Reforms

Carolyn Ortiz, SDG&E Outreach Advisor will hold a lecture Wednesday Nov. 14 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the library. This program is open to the public, and no reservations required.... — Updated 11/14/2018


Borrego Springs Unified School District Board Meeting

Attend the next school board meeting Wednesday Nov. 14 in the high school community room at 5 p.m. Keep up and stay updated with what is going on with the district for your students. For more information, contact the Borrego Springs High School at 760-767-760-7... — Updated 11/2/2018


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